I ordered an Italian cappuccino from my favorite coffee shop (JP’s, Holland, MI) tonight, and when I looked into the cup, this blog entry appeared. Honestly. It was thought provoking to order a simple cappuccino and to receive this:
Perhaps you’re curious; here’s what’s on my mind…
To some people, coffee is coffee. Less than that, coffee is a means to an end, a jolt of caffeine or a way to make it through the morning. To someone like Nick, who skillfully poured my cup tonight, coffee isn’t just a bean or liquid energy–it’s something he’s passionate about. It’s not the only thing, of course, but one of many things that matters enough to him to give it time and effort.
This got me thinking.
I love excellence. What’s more than that, I love surrounding myself with people who are passionately pursuing whatever it is that moves them, drives them forward. I love experiencing the pursuit of excellence by being in its path, whether purposefully, or inadvertently. I love what it does to encourage my own desire for excellence in the things I’m passionate about. Where am I finding passion in others lately?
In my closest friend as she nurtures and cares for a newborn and a two and a half year old. She is amazing. Beyond amazing…In my running partner, who just completed her first 25k, and who I find faithfully rounding the corner several mornings a week to meet me…In my sister, who is ever pushing towards the highest level of Truth she can discover, and who has never underestimated the value of personal connection, via snail mail, a phone call, or an encouraging visit…In my boss, who has established and run a debt free physical therapy practice for the past four years, and who is taking giant leaps to make it grow and grow well…in my friends and family who are missionaries, parents, business owners, athletes, pastors, artists, world changers…the list goes on.
So what am I passionate about as of late? What am I pursuing or aspiring to pursue with excellence?
-being a better wife, daughter, sister, friend, confidant, mentor, and neighbor than I’ve ever been before
-having more faith, chasing after God and sharing more of that piece of me with others
-becoming a doula (birth assistant) by completing my certification this year (then being a nurturing, attentive, compassionate doula to my clients)
-making time for the things that are most important (prioritizing, and being both more and less selfish with my time)
-writing/blogging/editing/creating/capturing moments
-training (running) for the sake of being healthy, consistent, clear-headed, driven and focused
-learning new skills and becoming an expert at those that can add life to the people around me
Whew. Who knew that a $2.30 cup of coffee (and a little time spent to make it lovely) could be so valuable? Is it possible that my own pursuit of excellence in things I do could be just as contagious?
Coffee for thought.
thank you. you captured my heart and filled my cup with your coffee for thought
Hey Molly–thanks for the shout out!