(06.21.16) Update: Here we are, just about to begin another 100 days adventure. I couldn’t be more excited to share this journey with you! Our little Bean is due to arrive around the end of September, so we’re counting down 100 days to the dr’s estimation and knowing that this babe will come in his or her own timing just as brother and sister have done before. There will be new posts up daily, so please join me regularly as I navigate the waters of our fourth pregnancy and this sweet third baby who will add to our number soon. It’s a beautiful season of life to be in community with those near and far. Thank you for being here!
(02.10.15) Just to refresh…our babes, Henry and Eloise, are now 3.5 and 1.5, respectively. We aren’t currently expecting, but enjoying our days with our two littles and embracing this energy-filled, dynamic time with both of them. If you’re curious about my 100 days challenge, the info below sheds a little light on the subject I hope someday to be on the 100 days adventure again, but only God knows if and when the joy of that privilege might arise. In the meantime, please feel free to journey back a bit to see what transpired in the last 100 days of my carrying Henry and Eloise in utero. Each ends with my recollection of their arrivals into this bright, beautiful world. More than anything, I hope 100 Days for each of our kiddos will allow them both to know, if even a little more deeply, just how much they’ve been loved from the very, very beginning. mm
100 Days update (5.22.13): Since my first 100 days challenge, our little one has turned two and baby no. 2 is on the way. Having loved the journey of blogging alongside my first pregnancy, I decided to challenge myself to another 100+ days for our second little bundle, due in August. I’m a few days in so far, and again, loving the process of documenting everyday happenings along the way. Having a toddler in the mix has certainly added a new dynamic to the project–adding vibrance to the once-quiet days we knew during our first pregnancy. My hope is to leave a fun (and sometimes insightful or endearing) remnant of each pregnancy behind for when our kiddos are grown. I pray that they will know a legacy of love, and that my daily little entries will shed light on just how much they were treasured from before we even knew them. happy reading. mm
(05.2011): 101 days before the due date of our first baby, I decided it might be fun to post once each day for the last 100 days of my pregnancy. This was a little bit of a self-challenge, but I got excited about it and jumped on in:) Although Henry didn’t wait the whole 100 days, we did get down to six days to go before he arrived. Since, I’ve blogged every day to log all of the joys and discoveries of being a first time mommy. If you’d like to see where my 100 day challenge took me, check out the categories section in the right hand sidebar of my blog. You’ll be able to select “100 Days” from the drop down menu, and also to peruse the most up-to-date collection of musings from yours truly. Thanks for being here! If you weren’t, I’m not sure I would have felt nearly as compelled to make 100 days of blogging a reality.