Roughly four months ago, I transitioned jobs and schedules, and to my delight, swapped out 40+ hours a week for 25. The transition was a little harder than I imagined at first (I’ve never minded working full time, and I hadn’t much considered any alternatives), but it didn’t take me long to realize just how much more I could fill up my week with life-giving activities, relationships and projects on the new schedule. Instead of being available to connect with others on weekends and weeknights, with the occasional lunch mixed in, I suddenly have Tuesday and Thursday afternoons to offer, and Fridays all to my very own. This, I’ve quickly discovered, equals bliss (and growth) in my world.
My new found freedom could not have come at a better time, on the cusp of long, warm, summer-y days and a ramped-up pursuit of my doula (birth assistant) certification. I magically have time to say “yes” to things, to do grocery shopping mid-afternoon, to have laundry done by lunchtime, and to avoid the drudge of household upkeep on the weekends, when I’d rather be catching up with friends and enjoying the home/yard/church/downtown/community spaces that have become so much a part of who I am and where I’m at in life at twenty-something. The windows have flung wide open on opportunities to build better relationships, embracing loooong visits over coffee, lunch, dinner, dessert. I’ve found more time to play with the little ones I’ve come to love–children of my closest friends, who at newborn, toddler, two and three year old stages have taught me more about myself than I knew could surface. I’ve discovered that in my heart of hearts, I want to serve young women–women whose own hearts are beating with the possibilities of beautiful things: education, ministry, marriage, motherhood, faith, business and the day-to-day. And I’ve had the time to recall just how, incredibly, I’m able to find God in the things He has created me to do. Things like loving and serving and making myself available to the people He plants in my life. Things like taking time-outs on Fridays to write and pray, to find Him at the beach, in a good book, in art, in a song. I am flourishing in a new way, and to be honest, I’m amazed.
When we give ourselves time to embrace the things that truly matter to our hearts, it’s unbelievable what God will do. And when we surrender ourselves to seek Him and to know more of what He has for our lives, there’s no limit to what He can reveal about Himself and the divine stories He has to tell through us.
Today began with a brilliant run, alongside a friend, in the cool of morning while the dew still glistened. It continued with a little housework, dinner in the crock pot by 9:30am, time to myself, and a walk with the dog. From there, blueberry picking with another beautiful friend and her life-filled little boy, complete with mosquito bites, “look, a barn!”, and always-good conversation. Later, spicy Mexican food for lunch, lots of catching up and a pedicure with my dear and oh-so-expectant friend. (The world is waiting for you, little one! Come join us here soon, please.) The afternoon continued with great spiritual dialogue, delicious coffee, and dreaming and scheming with a fourth friend, before coming home to a house that smelled like grandma’s (thank you, crock pot), watering in the garden, dinner made from 100% local, good-for-you sources, and time to write.
Ahh, Friday. And to think that a few months ago I was living a completely different life.
When I stepped out into this new realm, not knowing what was in store, I imagined all this but wondered if it was possible. Turns out it’s more than possible. It’s my world. I’m living in it. I ought to be pinching myself on days like today just to make sure they’re real. I am so blessed by the richness of friendships and nature and creativity all around me, and because of it, I am coming even further into my own. Self-discovery Friday, I’m going to call it. It has become my very favorite day of the week.
In what ways is God showing you more of who you are these days? Or…in what ways might He want to delight you with the life that beckons? What day of the week is your favorite, and why?
and a few visual treats from this past week…
I hope I get to spend one of these lovely Fridays with you SOON in Philadelphia. 🙂
Now that is a GREAT day! Love you friend.