One year ago yesterday, I landed in Vijayawada, India. Over the course of a twelve day trip, I fell in love–with the people, the culture, the colors and the beautifully crafted textiles. I was enamored with the school children and babies and women, and with the pace of city life half way around the world. Until then, I had always thought that my heart belonged entirely to Africa. I quickly realized though, that my heart really belongs to the world; everywhere I’ve traveled, and especially where I’ve had the privilege to do ministry, I’ve left a little piece of myself behind and picked up a little piece of each place to carry along.
As I think back to one year ago and the ways that God orchestrated a magnificent plan in a very short time to make it all possible, I still can’t help but feel a sense of the miraculous in what I witnessed. God mobilized a team of eleven willing people, and then allowed us to be a part of something we could never have imagined on our own. From here to Vijayawada to Hyderabad to Mumbai and back home again, we encountered grace and the love of Christ in moments–big and small, that are far too hard to capture in one blog post. (I think my journal entries from the trip total something like 53 pages!) But on this anniversary of my first taste of India, I can’t help pay tribute to a journey that changed my worldview, my faith and my spirit for the better. I still miss it greatly, and someday, I certainly hope to return. For now, a “few” thousand words in pictures…and some of the reasons that India holds a piece of my heart:

students at a rural boarding school. one of the most impacting faith experiences of my life took place here!

look closely! a butterfly in hyderabad...this photo means a LOT to me, but i couldn't possibly explain why in a caption 🙂
In just over a week, another team from home will travel to India to lead worship and to love on the people of Vijayawada and a few other Indian destinations. Because baby is busy growing and we’re a bit far along for international travel, I’ll be staying home this time around. A part of me wishes I could go, and a part of me is grateful for a perfect reason to stay here. Someday, Lord willing, Jason and the babe and I will board a plane and make our way to India. Until then, I’ll remember and be grateful.
embracing the pieces,
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