Since we transitioned our bedroom into the nursery, Kruger (our two year old black lab) has been a little inside out. He made the move with us across the hall, consequently losing his space in the nook, his favorite window, and all rights to the baby’s room on the whole. At first it was because we were painting, but now it’s because baby is coming and I can’t stand the idea of dog hair in the new carpet, the crib, or anywhere else the little one is going to rest his or her sweet head.
This has been torturous for the clingy pup, who likes to follow my belly around everywhere (and especially into the closet and forbidden nursery). When the door opens, it’s obvious that he’s already calculated his next move as he darts past to sniff out the latest baby toy or shower gift. This morning was no exception.
Admittedly, sometimes I cave. He’s too cute, and fairly hard to resist. He made his way into my closet and cozied up on the floor under my hanging clothes. He was, as usual, inconveniently underfoot; I eventually shooed him out and finished getting ready sans my four-legged friend.
As I was leaving the house a bit later, I poked my head into our room to say goodbye to the little (ok, big) guy, but he wasn’t curled up in the usual spot on his bed. I assumed Kruger had followed Jason downstairs and was on the couch or elsewhere roaming around. But as I went to leave and called him one more time, I didn’t hear the familiar jingle of his collar anywhere in the house. He almost always follows me to the door, and something just didn’t sync up. I went on a little Kruger hunt here and there, and wound up upstairs again–no dog in sight. None, that is, until I opened up the nursery door. There, in the middle of the room, Kruger was all sprawled out and looking up at me as if to say, “What’s up, mom? And why’d you close me in here?”
I had to laugh. But more than that, I’m so thankful I had the little inkling to check on him. Sneaky as he is, I didn’t realize he’d cozied up again in the nursery, and I would have left him there all day with every baby thing and the leftover paint supplies to boot.
Kruger made his way downstairs and wagged me off to work as is routine. And I drove away thinking about how short-lived my ban on dogs in the nursery will probably last. I’d imagine just about until a 3am feeding, when the pup curls up on the floor at my side as I nurse and rock the baby back to sleep.
Our fine furry friend might be sneaky, but he’s as sweet as can be, too. He and the babe will be fast friends, I’m sure, and keeping them apart just won’t work. Kruger has become part of the furniture around here, it’s safe to say. Very few Kehrers in this household can go without a dose of him for too long and, well…apples don’t fall very far from trees
grateful for our trusty–albeit tricky, canine companion.
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