I just got word last night that baby’s nursery bedding and curtains are finished, to be followed by the rocking chair cushions and ottoman sometime this week. Many of you have asked about fabric choices and decor for the nursery along the way, and since I know I’ll be able to post photos by the weekend or early next week, I figured it’s time to feature swatches of the my favorite line of the year, Kate Spain’s Central Park.
I happened upon Kate’s designs one night while looking through Moda fabrics with Jason–shortly after I’d become exasperated with the whole process and just before I was about the throw in the towel on custom bedding. So glad I didn’t, though, because when we did come across it, I was immediately sold. With the nursery walls already painted yellow and gray, I was really shopping for something to tie our colors of choice and my expectations together. This line happens to do both, in a big way.
So, I ordered the charm pack to see it in person before committing wholeheartedly to yards and yards of material, and it arrived in the mail only 2 or 3 days later (I’ve been so impressed with this online shop through the whole process). I hardly had the package open and I was smitten. Before long, Mom and I were scheming on what patterns would go where, how it would all tie together and so on, and a vision for the nursery was very naturally born.
When I throw all of the various patterns into the mix here, I realize it might seem overwhelmingly busy, but I promise it’ll make a whole lot more sense when it’s in-room and I can capture photos of the final product. Here are the delightful designs that will make an appearance in a few short days:
All of these prints will end up in a quilt for the crib at some point, too, but not quite yet. The little one won’t need a quilt for a bit, and Mom is going to teach me how to sew–with the quilt as our first project together. I can’t wait!
So there you have it–nursery fabrics! If you can’t envision it now, I’m promising pics within the week. Also making its debut in the nursery sometime very soon–a custom made, 6′ or 7′ giraffe silhouette to match the giraffe in the first print above (in white, for the wall). I’m amazed by the talent we have around us, and when we found out friends could make one for us, we couldn’t resist! If baby’s favorite animal isn’t a giraffe, elephant, or zebra (or maybe a black lab), I won’t know what to think 😉
sew excited!
I LOVE this bedding.