We used to have them all of the time as kids–a treat on the weekends or in the summertime or after dinner on occasion. I rarely crave ice cream (unless it’s Captain Sundae :), but tonight after getting home from our last birthing class, I sat down to blog and suddenly wanted a fudge bar. I don’t think I’ve had one in years. They might sound good when I pass them in the frozen food aisles at the grocery store, but I never buy them.
Enter Jason. He had just gotten cozy in the living room when I mentioned this random craving (Note: I’ve had very few cravings during pregnancy…citrus fruit, milk and cereal are my top three offenders). Rewind to a few days ago when J shared that he kind of felt like he’d missed out on the chance to get in the car at midnight and run to the store to appease a craving of mine over the past 9ish months. When your wife craves staples like milk, cereal and citrus fruit, there aren’t too many nights where grocery delivery by way of loving husband is wholly necessary at an ungodly hour.
Tonight, though, it’s Jason-the-wonder-husband/dad to the rescue. I didn’t vocalize my craving for any other reason than just to say that fudge bars sounded good, but J was up and at ’em with record speed. Before I knew it, he was in the car and on the way to the store–and I’m feeling pretty spoiled right about now.
In the midst of this post, my phone buzzed with a text from super-husband letting me know that photos of three fudge bar options were waiting in my inbox. Sure enough, store brand, Fudgsicle and Skinny Cow fudge bars were looking back at me when I opened my email. And then J called to make sure to get the right ones. This is one of those moments where I just want to pin him with a “best husband of the year” award. I mean really, fudge bars at my beck and call at 10:30pm, directly following an evening in birthing class supporting me and learning how to best facilitate the healthiest, smoothest birth possible for our little babe? Maybe he could be the April cover guy for New Dad Magazine or something. If it existed, I’d nominate him.
So Kruger and I are just hanging out here, spending time with the blog and awaiting the deliciousness of a hand-delivered fudge bar to round out the night. We’re looking forward to “dad” getting home, as we often do, and I’m melting a little myself over the service coming my almost 37 weeks pregnant way.
feeling quite loved,
I hope you chose the original Fudgsicle brand. Go, J, go!!