I lived in yoga pants today, and the beauty of it is, it didn’t matter a bit. True, I wore jeans to the coffee shop this morning and as I traipsed around town for a while, but I was home and comfy before noon, and it was lovely. I’m finally starting to feel like I can settle into the last few days or weeks of this pregnancy without the stress of other things bearing down. I took my time doing laundry today and cleaning here and there, but there was no rush. I napped briefly this afternoon, but mostly, I wandered around the house and pondered how things are going to change. I talked to the baby. I read for a time. Tonight, we curled up with a movie and listened to the storm brewing outside. And tomorrow, I just might do the same.
In all of this waiting, I’ve had every urge to clean and sort, to fold and re-fold, just like everyone always says will happen when baby is getting close. I want to vacuum every crevice, eliminate every dog hair and sanitize every surface. But our house has never been completely perfect before, and it won’t be when baby gets here either. Inevitably, the little one will come when there are a few dishes to wash or a few floors to sweep, and that’s ok. Actually having the time to take care of details as I want to has given me an amazing sense of release. This is exactly what I hoped for, and what I want most as baby gets closer.
There is no amount of cleaning or sprucing or perfecting that will be as good for the baby as a healthy mom who is well-rested, de-stressed and ready for some of the most physically demanding days and weeks ahead. I’m so thankful for some time to find peace, and to lean into the quiet. Suddenly it feels like everything will fall into its own place the way it needs to around here, and suddenly, I don’t mind if everything is not in its place. I’m sure I’ll still keep striving as energy permits, but the change for me is that I don’t feel so pressured or burdened by what is left undone. Baby must be grateful for a momma who is finally settling down.
Week 40 begins tomorrow, and with it, great anticipation–not only for baby, but for my favorite holiday of the year as Easter is upon us. I love the reverence of this season and all that it represents. Perhaps we’ll hatch a baby on Easter morning, but if not, we’ll focus our celebration on the resurrection of Christ and the sacrifice that has been paid on our behalf. There is so much to look forward to at this time of year!
On the subject of nesting and this glorious season, I came across this piece today that is hardly resistible…if only we had an unencumbered art budget for the nursery walls:)
There are giraffes and elephants of the same variety. Naturally, I’m completely smitten with all of them.
Oooh, and one more thing. Although the original end date for this contest was set for today, it has been extended until Monday at 11:59pm PST. Which means…I’d still SO appreciate your votes and comments here, if you’re feeling so inclined. Every little bit helps!
back to feathering (or maybe a feather bed:) for me,
“…lean into the quiet…” and “hatch a baby”…some of my favorite words of yours, my friend.