It’s pretty humbling, this thing of God always providing enough exactly in the moment that we need it. I’ve experienced it many times before…living in Africa, raising funds for missions, emptying the piggy bank for necessary things…but I’ve never quite felt so provided for in the same way as I’ve been over the last ten days. God is nurturing my heart, my new-mommyhood, and my physical self through the generosity and selflessness of others in profoundly simple ways. At the end of every day, I can’t help but look back to reflect with gratitude on the one that has just come and gone.
God so often sustains me through prayer, worship, time alone, nature, relationships–the areas where I’ve grown accustomed to Him meeting me, and the places where I’ll first look to find Him when I’m postured to ask, confess, pray or praise. But lately God is showing up in acts of kindness, time, service, comfort and wisdom, and He is surprising me at every turn. I never imagined people dropping what they’ve got going on, or making incredible efforts to rearrange schedules just to come and help me and our new little family. Our parents have all made significant sacrifices of time and energy to come and be here with us as we acclimate to life with Henry, and they’re not just here holding the baby. They are cooking and cleaning, changing and washing, encouraging and loving and doting on the three of us in a way that is so elemental and basic and yet, so perfect and needed in this season. Friends keep dropping by to bring meals–some planned and some unexpected, but all in perfect timing. Thoughtful and surprise gifts have arrived in hand and by mail for our little son, blessing us with their sentiments and prayers and celebration. I look around this house and see signs of community everywhere–sustenance for my soul that is otherwise tired and subdued and ready for some semblance of normal to return again.
If having a baby and letting go of inhibitions, modesty, privacy and plans isn’t enough, what happens in the wake of birth is certainly one of the most humbling experiences ever. As someone who has a hard time sitting still, I’m having to learn a great deal about saying yes and saying no, about being served, about waiting, and about being patient with myself and this whole process in different ways than I perhaps expected. Undoubtedly, I’ll be back on my emotional and physical feet before long. In this healing space though, I’m just relying on the evidence I already have before me–that the details will fall into place and the laundry will get folded; the house will be kept as clean as necessary, the baby will have what he needs at every turn, and no one will go without under this roof. God is good–and gracious and merciful, all the time. All the time, He is. And it is good.
From the beginning…community:
From the beginning…LOVE:
I can’t wait to be part of this collection of photos!