At just shy of two weeks old, Henry has been experiencing a lot of firsts over the past few days, and he’s afforded his mommy and daddy a number of firsts as well. Items to be checked off of Henry’s baby bucket list after this weekend:
-Meet Aunt Bridget
-Meet Mommy’s friend, Dr. Sara (She takes good care of babies.)
-Meet Layla (I hear she’s pretty.)
-Spend more time getting to know Grandma T
-Go to church!
-Meet Pastor Paul, the voice I’ve been listening to every Sunday for a long time (Hey, it relaxes me.)
-Go out for Mexican for dinner
-Two words. Tulip. Time.
-Make Mommy a Mommy in time for Mother’s Day
-Buy Mommy flowers, a nice card, and something that will remind her of me (Ask Daddy to help.)
-SLEEP. And then SLEEP some more.
Henry was very busy, and he earned every right to sleep and snooze and nap and slumber while he wasn’t checking things off of his first bucket list. In fact, he worked so hard that his mommy got pretty tired, too. And so, for Mother’s Day, they spent part of the afternoon together, like this:
Not a first, but maybe a first on camera. And not a last either–certainly not! After such a cozy time together, Henry has added a new item to his bucket list for going forward:
-Take an afternoon nap with Mommy on Mother’s Day every year
Ok…maybe mommy had something to do with that one. Either way, H is considering this weekend a rousing success. And he’s currently sleeping it off. Again.
proud of henry’s determination and get-things-done approach to life, naturally 😉
Henry already looks bigger than the last time I saw him, and I’m not ok with that! Hope you got my message. Hope you had a lovely first Mother’s Day. Also…Can Jack and I stop by soon? We have a few things for our buddy, Henry.