The house was mostly quiet today. Henry and I worked through it together, feeding by feeding and change by change. We are learning each other, and in the process, we’re settling in. This was the first day without Jason or family or help here with us, and left alone to our own devices, we let each hour take shape on its own.
The process of becoming mother and son was ordered for us a long time ago, but the daily process of actually being has only just begun.
Hours seems to pass now like minutes sometimes, whole segments of the day tucked into simple details and rhythms that are new, still somehow familiar. I am cataloguing every glance and face, every grimace and noise, wanting so much to know Henry best in every way. Miraculously, and because our Maker is so meticulous in His design, I already do.
Here is this boy who is so much a baby, yet who has already changed in so many ways. He is dynamic and expressive, emotive and strong. He is everything that God has created him to be as my son, and I am discovering, little by little, everything that God asks and hopes for in me as his momma. It is a beautiful and humbling season.
At the moment, my job is to look after this precious babe all day long. And I couldn’t be happier about it.
embracing the quiet,
Loving all the pics of Henry. Feel like I am getting to know him through your pics and blogs. Here is to everything continuing to go smoothly as they can!! 🙂