When Henry is inconsolable and we’re home all alone, I like to rock him and sing to him until he calms down and settles in. One such interaction took place earlier this week and lasted a long time…so we rocked and sang and rocked and sang. Henry seems to love music and he listens very intently, looking around for the source of sound, his eyes wide and engaging. Some songs calm him better than others, and on this particular day, the song “So Much” was the ticket to peace for both of us. If you’re familiar, the song is a common children’s song in Sunday School; it’s lyrics are simple and repetitive: “I’ve got so much, so much, so much, so much, so much, so much, so much, so much, so much, so much, so much, so much, so much (clap), to be thankful for! I’ve got ____ to be thankful for, I’ve got ____ to be thankful for!” Repeat. I changed the verses to say that Henry was thankful for people like Kruger, Dad and Jesus, and he fell into the rhythm of the rocking and singing together. Naturally, I was loving the moment, and loving equally as much that I had found a way to sooth and comfort Henry in the middle of a long afternoon. I also found it apropo, given how much I’m feeling exactly what the lyrics say these days. I’m glad that Henry agrees.
Here’s the thing: I’ve never been more overwhelmed with gratitude than I’ve been in the past few weeks and months. Everywhere we turn, there is something to be grateful for. The community of people around us–family and friends, our church and our neighbors, has been so incredible, and the outpouring of support and love for our family just keeps coming in unexpected ways. I know that I touched on this a week or two ago, but it doesn’t seem enough just to say it once. We are so, so, so thankful for every gesture and meaningful blessing on Henry’s new life…and on ours as his parents.
Daily, since before Henry was even born, I have considered the growing list of people I want to thank–for shower gifts and meals, notes of encouragement, help around the house. The list goes on. And daily, I struggle with not having gotten to thank you notes, messages back to people who have been in touch. Each one matters so much, and I don’t want anyone to feel as though we aren’t SO grateful for what they have brought and sent our way. We truly, truly are.
So…please know if you’re reading this and you’re one of the many encouragers in our lives (in whatever way or shape you have shown us love in anticipation of or celebration of Henry’s arrival), that we are humbled and thankful and blessed beyond measure by you and your generosity. And please know that our intention is to tell you in a much more personal and tangible way in the days ahead. In the midst of feeding, changing, burping, washing, cuddling and loving, our correspondence has fallen off in ways we hoped it wouldn’t, but we promise you we’re here, singing songs that remind us just how much it all means to our little family. Our lives have been forever changed by Henry David, and forever changed by everyone who has loved him alongside of us since long before he came into the world.
thankful. so much,
mm (and jm and hd)
consider us all thanked! i’m fairly certain everyone would agree with me when i say, please, do not spend your precious time trying to send thank you notes now! you should be singing to that baby, or napping, or scratching the dog behind the ears. babies grow up fast. don’t miss a second because you’re writing thank you notes. 🙂