For a long time now, Jason and I have been in the habit of asking each other to share “the best part of your day” at the dinner table. Of course, there are some days that have LOTS of great things packed into them, and there are others where it’s hard to come up with a “best” thing, but that’s the idea. Even on the hardest/longest/strangest days, it helps to focus on at least one thing that made it good. Since Henry came along, I’m not in any way short on good things to share about each day, even though every day with him is a stretching, learning, challenging and often tiring experience as I grow as his mom. Tonight when Jason asked me, I had absolutely no hesitation about the very best part for me…playtime and tummy time in the morning with Henry!
Today, after his morning feeding, Henry opted not to nap and stayed wide awake instead. It seemed like the perfect opportunity to enjoy the bright sunshine in the nursery, and the new play mat that Jason had set up for us the night before. Even at three weeks old, Henry is fascinating to watch! He is already so alert and engaged, looking around and taking everything in at his newborn pace and making me fall in love with him more and more all of the time. We spent about an hour on the floor just exploring different toys and textures and sounds, and I feel like I got a glimpse into the days ahead as playtime becomes more and more dynamic. I can’t wait for the day that he cracks his first voluntary smile–the involuntary ones are so dear and make this mommy’s heart melt every time.
A baby is a perfectly tiny miracle that, I’m convinced, is loaned to us to teach us far beyond what we could ever otherwise know about love. It’s working 😉 Here’s a glimpse at “the best part” of my day today:
amazed that three weeks have already gone by!
Guys, Henry sure is a handsome little guy. I can truly see what you are talking about Molly.I am glad you are enjoying your son.