Being new in the world is challenging enough–why not make it a little easier with the right tricks of the trade to help? Henry’s now had a few weeks to make us aware of some of his likes and dislikes, and we’re picking up on what he’s digging in his new element. In no particular order, here are the items Henry’s deemed absolutely essential for his newborn existence:
1) The Boppy. Complete with Scrapbook slip cover. Mom and dad carry this number all over the house. It’s perfect for feedings, napping, playtime, you name it. A new household staple.
2) Aden and Anais Swaddle Wraps. If Henry played favorites, these would be in the running. The soft, lightweight muslin combined with adorable animal shapes make for an ideal, take-me-everywhere blanket. The set contains four wraps, and that would seem enough for such a little guy, but it’s likely this family has more Aden and Anais in its future–they’re just too perfect!
3) Grandma El’s Diaper Rash Remedy. Ok, so we’re getting a little personal here, but Grandma El’s is a dream. All natural, cloth diaper safe, and Henry’s bottom is as happy as can be.
4) Graco’s Pack ‘n Play Playard with Newborn Napper in Laguna Bay. The best new addition to the living room (excluding Henry, of course). He gets changed here, dressed here and put down for a nap–all in the same place. Sure, he still loves the nursery, but during the daytime, the Pack ‘n Play has already saved mom and dad hundreds of trips up and down the stairs. And the newborn napper? Henry’s favorite place to cuddle up. The vibration and music are calming when he’s tired and entertaining when he’s alert. It was love at first tuck-in.
5) Carter’s Cuddle Me Musical Bouncer–Wild Life. Henry’s morning nap companion, AKA., mom-can-get-a-shower-in-thanks-to-this-contraption. The bouncy seat is the perfect, portable spot for baby when caregivers need to buy a few minutes on the second floor. It currently provides the 10-15 minute stretch of precious time each morning so mom can feel a bit human with a shower and a quick hair drying session under her belt. Besides, Henry looks like a baby giraffe when he’s in it, and well, that’s pretty awesome/ irresistible 🙂
6) Soothie Newborn Pacifiers. Let’s be honest. These are on mom and dad’s top ten list just as much as they’re on Henry’s. After some debate about introducing a pacifier at all, everyone has decided it’s far worth it when nothing else helps. These are the go to item when Henry’s already been fed, changed, burped, rocked, bounced and soothed, and nothing will help. Soothie pacifier to the rescue. A brilliant addition indeed.
7) Graco SnugRide 22 (in Sachi). At first not always a fan, Henry warms right up to his car seat once he’s in it–so much so, in fact, that he’s hard to wake from it when he gets home. They make a good pair; Henry looks a little too cute all bundled up and ready to go, and the car seat keeps him safe and snug, whether in the car or strapped into the stroller for a walk around the block.
8) Fisher-Price Whale of a Tub Infant Bath Tub and Puj Tub.Henry is blessed to have two bathtubs to choose from–one for the sink (nice and easy on mom and dad’s backs) and one for the regular tub. Both make bathing a snap, and Henry is a BIG fan of having his hair washed under warm water before bedtime on bath nights. These promise plenty of great moments in the days ahead (and who doesn’t love the smell of a freshly washed baby?)
9) Skip Hop Funky Farmyard Activity Gym. A recent addition to the top ten list, Henry’s activity gym is the new hangout on weekday mornings. There’s just so much to look at and feel! So far, the jingling pig and the cow with a mirror for a belly seem to be crowd pleasers.
10) Bugaboo Frog Stroller. A top contender for household favorite, the Bugaboo Frog is great in so many ways. The bassinet currently functions as Henry’s nighttime spot of choice next to mom’s side of the bed. It sits in a bassinet stand out of Kruger’s reach, and makes middle of the night feedings more manageable for all involved. By day, the stroller itself is adjusting to life on 8th Street, in parks around town, and on evening walks with the family. Soon, it’ll make it’s way to the beach for some two-wheeling fun. Henry loves that his car seat can snap right in, he looks forward to the cooler months when he can cozy up in the foot muff, and he thinks it’s pretty sweet that mom and dad found in on Craigslist. An all around win, if you ask him.
Life without all of this gear would certainly be a bit lighter in the load, but it’s proved invaluable in lots of ways over the past few weeks. Henry is adjusting to his new space beautifully, as any baby with enough love and warmth and food might do, but we’re all grateful for the things that help us along the way…especially when they look like little green pacifiers in the middle of the night or safe places for baby to rest during the day.
looking forward to seeing what the top ten looks like in a few more months…a year…six…
I think a trip to Holland is in order just so Henry can introduce me to some of the items on his top ten list.
I agree! We’re up. C’mon over!! 🙂
LOVE this post! Great items. Great pics. Great writing. Great mommy.