How time flies! I cannot believe that four whole weeks have passed us by–they’ve literally flown, day by day off of the calendar, and here we are staring a four week old baby (a one month old on Wednesday!) and the month of June in the face. May has been very sneaky, tip toeing past me as I sit with Henry from feeding to feeding and nap to nap. And as much as I have been so challenged by all that’s happened in these past four weeks, it’s true that they are gone “in a blink” like everyone said they would be; and I’m relieved and taking a deep breath and a little melancholy over all of it at the same time.
Henry is marvelous. I know I’m willed to say that as his mother, but my “mommyness” aside, I would still be in awe of the chance to watch an entire human being enter the world, then change and grow and develop into someone who has his very own personality and faces, inclinations and preferences–all in such a short time! Creation is so powerful. I can’t understand how anyone who has witnessed pregnancy, birth or the development of an newborn could question the possibility of God. His fingerprints have been everywhere on this journey.
As we approach the one month mark and life begins to return to some semblance of normal (although new and relatively unrecognizable compared to its previous state), I am preparing my heart and my mind, as well as my passion for the written word, to dip back into things that are just as much “mollymadonna” as they are baby and Henry and birth and the like. Undoubtedly, Henry will maintain a strong presence here on the blog and in my reflection of things, but this season of focused writing is winding down and another is winding up. I can feel it. The timing is right. And I have a catalogue of 120 some odd days of life as it began, both with and for Henry.
I am thrilled that what started out as a little self-challenge has become a collection of love-filled anecdotes and reflections for our little boy. In this process, I wanted only to honor him and the person he was becoming as he grew in my belly, and post-birth, to honor his new and powerful presence in our lives. I hope that I’ve done so here.
Tomorrow and the next day will be the final posts in my series of “days” for Henry, but what follows will be the beginning of something else. I don’t quite know what that will look like yet, but I’m excited to discover it as I go! I haven’t quite told Henry’s birth story here yet, and I think it would be the perfect conclusion to this season of days. As Henry turns one month old and I look back on all of the beauty that has surrounded us since his arrival, I recognize that the way he came into the world has had so much to do with how we have welcomed and embraced him in the days following his birth. I’m looking forward to sharing…
Thank you for journeying with me, and with us. And please don’t stop visiting 🙂 I still plan to blog daily, but will hopefully bring new and fresh things to the table for those who join me here. Until then, another day has gone by, and another few moments with Henry have made their way to our photo collection:
looking forward to what’s next!
Molly and Jason, Henry sure is a handsome little boy. I am sure that Grampa Henry would have been very proud of his great grandson. I know that as his grandfather I am surely very proud of him. Love you guys.