Baby Boy,
I know there will be a million other times in this life when cuddling up with your momma is not at the top of your list…just one of the reasons why your curled up little self sleeping next to me in bed this morning was about the most perfect thing ever.
That’s also why we’re here now–you, breathing deeply and sound asleep in my lap as I record this sweet moment. My list of things to do while you napped today isn’t getting any shorter as I type, but you weren’t content with falling asleep anywhere else.
Here, you’ve melted right into my arms and folded yourself quietly inward to rest. As I look at you, I fall deeper and deeper for your precious little self, as only a mommy would. Your peach-fuzzy hair and olive-y, buttery skin are divine. You smell like Henry–a mix of milk and baby’s breath and Summer sweat that I have come to recognize and love. I am soaking you in.
I treasured you as you grew for all those months before being born, but not as I do now. Then, I couldn’t watch your lip quiver into a little smile or frown, couldn’t admire your tiny, papery finger nails or the way you eyelashes curl like a dream, couldn’t offer my hand to yours or sing you off to sleep. So glad to have you here…
always willing to cuddle, sweet bug.
love, mommy