Every night I want so badly to arrive in this space and share about the day…my thoughts, my misgivings, sweet moments, memories I’d prefer not to forget–all of the fare you’d expect from a new mommy. But here’s the thing…
Lately, I’ve been tied up with this:
and some of this:
and a whole lot of this:
And then at night when I once used to be busy blogging, Henry is busy doing this:
Truly, I wouldn’t change it for the world. But my sleep tank is slowly draining down to very, very little, and these past few nights have been especially trying for this still-adjusting, still-new momma. So lately I’ve been planning on things like blogging and sleep but holding an unhappy babe instead. New mommies do a lot of planning and a lot less executing of said plans, I think.
Tonight, Henry is down for the count and I will be quick to follow. Three hours a night just isn’t enough for Henry’s mom. Nope. But I couldn’t resist at least a little post 😉
and now (fingers crossed), to bed for a few (?) hours,
I keep telling myself that this shall pass and baby will eventually sleep for longer than 3 hours at a time…right? right? 🙂 In the meantime, your blog is wonderful and I hope that Henry David (wonderful name, btw) and Christina Rose will both start doing a little bit more snoozing and a little bit less fussing in the middle of the night. Blessings!