Tonight I’m craving order in the worst way. I think this started a few weeks ago with my determination to find a hanging mail organizer for the kitchen door. I absolutely cannot handle the mail pile as it grows and grows each week, and having designated pockets with categories like “urgent” and “to pay” and “to file” would make this little lady a very happy camper. I’ve been searching high and low for the exact right thing–even went so far as to scavenge the fabric store for a great pattern or some crafty inspiration, but I must be looking in all of the wrong places. I’ve paged through religiously, and still, nothing. I don’t think what I’m looking for is all that complicated–multiple fabric pockets in different sizes, ideally a slot on each for labeling and such, and the ability to hang on a door. That’s all. I thought it would be simpler.
In the meantime, all of this mail organizing and adding baby items and paperwork and receipts to the mix has me craving other kinds of organization as well. I want to go wander the aisles at Target and Bed, Bath and Beyond, stocking up on Real Simple products and containers and bins for everything in the house. And it isn’t that we don’t have any of these types of things around, I just want ALL of it–ALL of it, to have a proper place right now. Where do I begin?
I’m trying to weed out any extra paper in our lives, tossing unnecessary files and things into recycling like it’s my job and well, it kind of is. By Autumn, I just want to be able to look around here and breath in deeply with a renewed sense of organization and order about the place. I want to eBay and/or Craigslist everything that we no longer use and/or need, to make trips to Goodwill and my favorite consignment shop in town with arms full and items never to return to the little blue house.
Decidedly, this comes from a place in my spirit that craves order and sensibility and style all at once. I don’t just want to put things away in file drawers, I want all of life to feel more pulled together, and I want to feel more pulled together, too. This season of having a baby, then learning to raise him and adapt to life with all of the changes that come along, has shaken my ability to default to organization and routine in a lot of ways, and I’d like to claim them back. I know that life with a kiddo in the mix is going to be different, of course! But that’s all the more reason to find ways to simplify, de-clutter and coordinate on multiple levels–to spare us all the time, energy and frustration that we really don’t have the luxury of spending these days. There are no more hours in the day than before, so I’m inclined to believe that how I use them is more important than ever.
What this comes down to, I think, is that I really want to be a good steward of all I’ve been given. I’m craving order in places that could use a little more because I don’t want to spend any more time than necessary on trivial things. I’d much rather have the hours to be wife and mom, daughter, sister and friend. And I want to be responsible with everything that’s entrusted to me–from the mail to our finances, from correspondence and relationship-building to the details of our home; it’s no small charge to make the most of all the hours we’ve been given, but with some time, a few small-ish resources and a lot of God’s help, I’d like to think I’m up to the task!
working on order (and discipline, boundaries, bedtime…),
Hello Molly. I can understand your sentiments. Getting a home in order can be a daunting task. What I would recommend is to pace yourself. Doing too much, too fast will make you feel overwhelmed and frustrated. I suggest making a list of your decluttering and organizing projects. You can then coordinate them on your calendar as appointments that you will maintain. This will give you a sense of control over what needs to be done.
In regards to decluttering, I would suggest having a staging area somewhere in your house for those items that you have already determined as clutter that is to go. In this area, you will want to make two sections; “donatable items” and “to sell” items. To rid yourself of the sellable items, you may want to check in your local area for a full-service auctioneer. With this service, for a nominal fee, they will come and pick up what you have designated to sell, prepare the items for auction,and distribute the items after the auction. A few weeks afterwards, you will receive a documented list of sold items and a check for what was sold (minus their fees).
This will leave you with the remaining “donate” pile which will be ready for delivery to your favorite charitable organization. Depending on the organization, they may be willing to pick up your donatable items at your home. This will save you extra time and is always nice when this service is provided. I hope that these suggestions help. I wish you the best.