Henry went to the doctor for his four month check-up and vaccines today. Turns out he’s not the only one who gets cranky when the needles appear. I just hate it. Taking him to the doctor for vaccines, that is. Oh, I just feel like the most terrible mother ever the whole way there, and I tell him I’m sorry for what we’re about to do…then he’s all happy until the fateful moment, and BAM! Three needles all at once and the horrible cry that starts out with complete silence for the longest time before erupting into tears and a trademark wail.
I know you know exactly which cry I’m talking about.
Then all day he’s sulky and subdued, except when he’s crying–which is most of the time unless he’s being held. So there’s that. It’s a good day not to feel like a bad parent for letting your child sleep in your lap at nap time instead of the crib. No really. You had to do it. He needed you. But seriously, he did.
Naturally, pass the baby (and walk him and love on him a whole heaping lot) was the name of the game in our household tonight. Can’t say I minded it one bit. H is especially lovey on a day like today. And two minutes after a dose of Tylenol for the fever, ten kisses on the forehead, tears of resistance (his, not mine) and a prayer, the babe was down for the count. Not a peep coming from the nursery all night.
So that happened.
And tomorrow is another day.
i’ll put money on a smiling boy first thing in the morning. he’s pretty much the best like that.
Molly you guys are so blessed to have Henry the way he is. God has blessed you and Jason with one terrific son. Love the little guy for that.
Dad and Grampa