Really? It’s been a week? Where does the time go???
Since the big vaccine event, it’s turned September on us, the Summer weather is making its departure and Labor Day has come and gone. How did that happen?
I am a Summer girl through and through, but I’ll admit to liking the cooler temps and to talking myself down from wearing a full on sweater while standing in my closet yesterday morning.
Hold your horses, Molly Madonna. You will have FAR too many opportunities to wear sweaters in the months ahead.
I settled for jeans, a tank, an Autumn-ish cardigan and sandals. Why waste the pedicure when it’s still so pretty!?!
In other news, Hank made his Chicago debut this past weekend (yep, sometimes we’re gonna call him Hank), hanging out in Schaumburg and avoiding IKEA and Woodfield Mall as though he were already a weathered Chicago suburbanite. He opted for a few sunny walks around the neighborhood and some time out on the patio with Grandma instead. A sensible choice if I do say so.
Not a whole lot else happening here as far as life events are concerned. We’ve been back on the “I don’t like to sleep through the night” train since last week’s shots, so mom is a bit on the groggy side this week, but we’re taking it in stride and hoping the other idiosyncrasies not-worth-mentioning here will dissipate very soon. Not the first time that vaccines have thrown the entire household for a loop for the better portion of a week, but I digress.
H and I made the most of our day today (though he’s still wimpery and rosy cheeked and over-tired compared to normal) with a little jaunt down to Saugatuck to collect this long awaited pair of TOMS (a replacement for my birthday pair that, sadly, didn’t hold up after a few wearings) and a cup of coffee with a scone from this lovely shop.
Ahhh, Autumn on the air and a stroll with my boy. Perfect. New shoes and a latte to add to the mix. Double perfect. Even if Henry did get terribly mad mid-walk, causing passersby to say things like, “Oh! Someone’s not happy!” as I made the mommy-walk-of-shame with my screaming little guy all the way back to the car. Every mom has been there. Doesn’t make the moment any less of a challenge to the spirit, does it?

the cry. even when there's a bright shiny corvette close by...when he's mad, a pretty car won't do the trick. (at least yet:)
Alas, we both survived and arrived home in one piece–H sound asleep as I pulled into the driveway, my coffee still warm for the last few sips.
These holiday weeks are absolutely lovely…longer weekends as a family and shorter weeks to manage the home front while still trying to perfect the work-at-home-mom routine. Perfect is too idealistic a word, I think. Juggle would be more accurate, yes. And juggle we will. But not at the expense of play time or story time or soaking up my little boy time in moments like these:
seven days. all kinds of adventure, close to home and far away. and LOTS of Henry love. i’ll take it!
All those pictures are awesome, but I think my fav is the third to last – his eyes are so big! Aaannnnd… I just got a pair of TOMS too! Unfortunately they need to be returned, but yours are super cute!