We’ve had diaper issues here in the little blue house for over a month now. The doctor has run tests, I’ve given up on cloth temporarily (I hope) for the sake of my sanity and we’re mastering the art of minimizing fallout every time the unmentionable happens.
Which it almost always does as soon as I pack up the little man and leave the house. In the car. In the car seat. On the car seat through layers of clothing. Whenever I’m going to be on time to go anywhere.
Or in today’s case, in the biography section of the library this afternoon. Man, did he make a face. And then I made a face. And rushed through the rest of the stacks, grabbing a handful of kid’s CDs and a few books before scurrying home to manage damage control. Of course, he fell asleep about a minute before we hit the driveway.
Soooo hungry, and bit perplexed by the consistently inopportune timing of said event, I’ve left our little bug asleep in his car seat, made a quick sandwich and sat down to hash it all out for a moment. I’m on the fence about waking him–seems foolish when the damage is already done.
All that’s left is to question whether this makes me a bad mom for a few minutes–leaving him in the car seat when I know he needs to be changed (and probably bathed and disinfected). And. And. And. But waking him doesn’t feel like the right thing to do either. Especially since he’s not really proving to be much of a napper, and eating lunch with two hands is sooooo much easier.
Oh, the dilemma.
Would it be so much to ask for this little season of diaper drama to change? I think I’m ready now.
possibly investing in rubber gloves…and a diaper genie,
P.S. HD, I know you’ll probably read this someday. Please chalk it up as one of the many times I’ll likely embarrass you. I don’t mean to do it. Honest. But I might be shirking in my duties as your mother if it never happened. If you can’t now, I think you’ll find a way to forgive me when you have a wee one of your own. And I’ll make it up to you in the next post, I promise. Love you. Mom
Many a mom has used the little bum-o-meter to guage her wisdom in these uncertain MOMents ~ optimum results are calculated by a system much like cooking in reverse. Too pink? Too long. A rosy tone tells you your choice was a good one for you both. Love you! .