You do, little darlin’. Yes you do.
I can’t get enough of your contagious giggle or the way you wave your arms and legs in excitement when you’re on your belly–as if flailing them around enthusiastically will get you where you’re going:) You’re a little ball of energy, even past 9pm. A night owl (like your mama and daddy) to be sure.
At seven months (+ 5 days) old, you’re the life of the party. Just ask our relatives. You make the whole room happy. Your first Thanksgiving was one celebratory (and traveling) meet and greet after the next, and despite not feeling too well all weekend, you were still bubbly and personable everywhere we went. And while you grew all snuggly and sad at bedtime, you still tugged at my heart through the night as you curled up on my chest to sleep–sound and sweaty and precious, giving me purpose in the most perfect way. If I haven’t mentioned it before, I love being your mommy.
I’m sorry I’ve not written more to you these days…they are flying by so fast, and you’re changing so much! I tell myself I’ll just take all of these moments to soak everything in, and then they’re gone in an instant. I hope someday I can remember enough to tell you all about how amazing you were at this age. You are. And I’ll try to do better at documenting all of the important things, ok? Like how you’ve added apples and bananas, pears and carrots, sweet potatoes and pickles(!) to your repertoire (not to mention banana-flavored puffs in your highchair that you pick up and eat all on your own). You are such a growing boy!
You’re rolling around the room like a pro as of late. I walked away for thirty seconds this afternoon and you had an entire pile of diapers and diaper bag items strewn about in no time. There’s a lot of baby-proofing conversation around the house these days, and it’s all in prep for your little, wiggling, moving, curious self. We’re excited for you to crawl, but to be honest, I’m enjoying you as a self-sitting, semi-stationary babe while I still can. You are going to keep me on my toes in times ahead, no doubt.
Tonight, we took you to your first light parade downtown. We watched from the second story windows of dad’s office as thousands of Christmas lights passed by–you, marveling especially at the big trucks and all of the twinkling going on down below. Your awe at every turn reminds me just how magical the simplest things can be…like my favorite moment of the day:
…and you, in your seven month old wisdom, fully embracing the scene, engrossed in what’s beautiful around you.
The world is magnificent from your vantage point, and I get to be along for the ride. Light doesn’t even begin to scratch the surface, Henry dear.
love you to the bright, bright moon and back.
Henry, Your Grampa, and Grandma enjoyed having you stay at our house this past Thanksgiving. Watching you is a joy. We Love You little man!