Sometime in 2012, is going to get a facelift. It’s time. It’ll be two years in May since I arrived at using WordPress and this theme and all that came with it, and while it’s been good to me, I’m ready for something new. I’ll likely stick with WordPress because I love it, but the rest is going to have to take shape organically, and as the spirit moves.
So, besides regular entries and frequent photos, what do YOU want to see here? I’ve had thoughts about interviews, featured craft projects, how-to posts, reviews–you know the usual fare. But my interests are widespread, and I don’t want to limit myself to any one thing. I DO want consistency and familiarity, encouragement for moms and non-moms alike, helpful information about pregnancy and birth and all that goes with them, and plenty of community for everyone. I have thoughts on design and usability and such, but that will all have to come in time.
I love being here, and it feels important to continue working towards a space that feels like me, like what I love, like a virtual version of home. Blogging isn’t just a chance for me to write, but a chance for me to be real and honest–to reflect on my days and what I’m learning and feeling in every area of who I am. I’m excited about what new changes may come. The year is just beginning, and the future is very bright.
embracing the possibilities,
Love your blog! Excited for a different look! Keep writing!
excited to hear about this in person and brainstorm with you!