Nearly two and a half years ago, I was checking the calendar and adding up the days between January and one particular date glimmering in the distance. April 30th. My official due date for the then-growing baby in my basketball-ish belly. As I counted, I realized I was a mere 102 days away from said date. My competitive self kicked into gear, and the writer in me got a little tenacious. Was it possible to blog about all things baby, my pregnancy, and life in the third trimester for 100 straight days? And if I could do it, would I have captured something worthwhile for our future first-born to read and enjoy? I decided the challenge was necessary, and not 48 hours later, it began.
What transpired over the next several months was a joyful celebration of all that was happening in our lives as we prepared for our little bug. When I think back to that season, I don’t remember every detail well. I remember enjoying pregnancy and waiting with great anticipation. And I remember getting the house ready, having baby showers, blogging late at night to keep up with my little self-challenge here at mollymadonna. I can’t say how grateful I am that for 100 days (well, 94, as it turned out) before Henry’s 6-day early arrival, I documented the goings-on of life all around me. It was a beautiful season, and looking (or reading) back on it is a joy.
That being said, I’ve watched the countdown on my phone for a few weeks now, knowing that this pregnancy was creeping ever-closer to the 100 day mark. I can hardly believe it’s true, but TODAY IS THE DAY(!) and tomorrow, we’re already headed into double digits as we await the Button’s arrival in the world. When I blogged for Henry for 100 days, a number of people joked about how I should “just wait”–that I would never do this for a second born, in the same way that first babies have scrapbooks and future siblings are lucky to get a few photos in a box here or there. Now, I may not scrapbook with the best of them, but I do want to leave a legacy for each of our children…and I feel like I can start that here, on this humble little blog, one day at a time. So, I’m back at it. And “just wait” couldn’t possibly shake my motivation, because I love this tiny munchkin just as much as I loved Henry in-utero two and a half years ago. Life may be busier, yes, but I’m still a mama from sun up to sun down, who loves these precious gifts from God as much as anything else I’ve ever known. And capturing this season of life brings me a great deal of satisfaction and peace.
100 days have arrived on the calendar. Let the games begin!
Newest little person, If you read this someday, I hope you’ll know just how much I treasure you, and how much I adore carrying you around with me as you grow. You bring us all great delight already, and you’re not even here to hold! Your daddy and big brother and I are all quite excited to meet you in a mere 14ish weeks (or whenever you decide to make your entrance:). In the meantime, we will be busy preparing for your arrival, celebrating the Summer months, and staying as cool as possible. We love you with our whole hearts! I wish you could see how much joy you have added to our little world, and how grand we think it is that you’ll be here soon. 100 days, sweet bundle, give or take. You are a tiny miracle.
keep up the good work rolling around in my belly. you are safe and cozy and welcome there, and i am amazed by your presence. love you forever and ever.
your mama
YAAAYYYYY! It feels like we’re not so far away when we get to share in th goings-on at the little blue house. Love to you and the boys and the Button!