Sometimes the day (and any pictures that go with it), just speaks for itself. Today was one of those beautifully sunny, warm, “Hello, Summer” kind of days–a Saturday brimming with family time and celebration of all that is good. Its contents included coffee downtown, the Farmer’s Market, strolling with my boys (and the babe, of course), a fireman themed birthday party, more ice cream than this currently dairy-free mama should manage, exciting news, an afternoon nap, homemade pizza, a walk on the pier, baby ducks, and a beautiful sunset in the distance. I couldn’t really ask for much more than that now, could I?
It’s often the little things that make life so glorious…I hope your day was filled with simple blessings, too!

this was actually taken the other day, but h was up to the same delightful antics at today’s market–pointing out all of the beautiful flowers and exploring to his heart’s content. if anyone can tell me what those little pink beauties are, i’d be so grateful…love them and want them to fill up the yard!

i asked h to show off his party hat for me later so i could snap a photo. this “action” shot and a big “cheese!” was what i got in reply.

and then we insist on wearing our fireman hat around downtown for a stroll. why not? perhaps we’ve established a new summer uniform?? and yes. that is a tattoo on my son’s leg. we also refuse to wash that off in the bath… 😉
Aaaaand my favorite pic of the day. There’s no question why:
With that, day 98 is winding down to a close. Mr. K and I have an Office Finale date tonight, so I’ve gotta jet. The perfect ending to a perfect day.
happy as a clam,
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