Today felt like the third Saturday of this four day weekend, and I am certainly not complaining. We just needed a little extra injection of family time around here, plus the chance to get a few more things done than we can normally fit between a Friday and a Monday. The fourth was enjoyable, as I mentioned previously, and yesterday was a good mix of relaxing and productive. Today was very much a Saturday…coffee shop, farmer’s market, grilling out for dinner, a few errands and things around the house. Everyone got a little nap in, and Henry stayed up late (perhaps this is more a summer thing than a Saturday thing…). We’re heading into Sunday with still more we hope to pack into the weekend, but a good amount of things checked off the list and a healthy balance of fun things and to do’s in our 72 hour history.
I’m still on my kick to discover grace and, consequently, gratitude each day this week. And I’m glad I gave it a week’s timeframe, because I feel like the exercise has just become more of a habit than a whim, which is certainly a grace-filled reality in and of itself. Tomorrow will wrap up a week of trying to park in God’s presence in the everyday, and I am none the worse for it.
So where has grace been abundant today? Where has God’s hand been most evident to me in the small things? For one, our little man has been an extension of God’s encouragement to me all day. I know he’s two, and that he picks up on things like a tape recorder and then sticks with what works, but he was just such an encourager from sun up to sun down! I can’t help but melt a little when he snuggles close and says things like, “You’re beautiful mommy!” or “I’m your buddy,” or “You’re my best friend!” I know we’ll have days when I miss these comments and the way he was so snuggly and loving, but I will take them for all they’re worth now. So grateful to God for blessing us with a good and close relationship from the very start!
More grace sightings? The farmer’s market and all of its fresh, colorful, organic goodness. All of God’s creative Creation pouring out of baskets and spilling over crates that bless my heart as we wander every Saturday and Wednesday morning. Henry loving the musicians and street artists, running into sweet friends, gathering up a bunch of bright and cheery flowers at a bargain to bring home and liven up the table. Eating cherries and blueberries straight out of pint containers and watching my little one enjoy them even more than I do. I’m so thankful that we have something as vibrant and life giving as this in our community on a regular basis.
And then, the visit with a high school friend who came to town with her husband and little one. We haven’t seen each other in at least a decade (but probably longer). Here our kiddos are, running around one another downtown on a sunny, summery day while we catch up and reminisce and enjoy being in the same space, even if briefly. It’s a gift that God brings relationships around and around in our lives! That, following last night’s meal and beach visit with other long-time friends in town, and my heart is so full! Another set of friendships from a different decade and still, there we were, catching up and loving our time together–celebrating all of the good in each other’s lives all this time later. Blessed.
A meal made up of all local and organic and fresh goodies tonight–delightful. Seeing the joy in our munchkin’s face as we praised him for making a step towards a milestone tonight–motivating. Feeling the wee one kick and roll and move so distinctly in my belly as I dream toward seven(ish) weeks from now and how we’ll get to meet that sweet face–perfect.
So much goodness, and so much grace in all of it. My gratitude is nearly constant, my heart overflowing at what God can do. Life is imperfect, certainly, and I don’t want to paint a false picture that everything is always easy or dreamy or the like. But it is pretty grand, in that we are able to depend on a magnificent Creator who loves us enough to show us the blessings He has for us in the day to day.
I can’t ask for more than that, really. He is just so, so good.
heart full. belly full. spirit full. mind full. mindful.
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