In the midst of plenty of seriousness and a lot of focus on accomplishing tasks, it’s absolutely essential to take some time out for a break. Especially when you have an energetic toddler who you want to soak up as much as possible before he loses his only child status. We’ve been trying to make room for fun activities as a trio, even if they’re simple and require no more than a little planning. H is a firecracker. He is so fun to be with, and equally fun to watch. I can’t resist getting in on the fun he’s having–at the park, the pool, the beach, outside…if only I could transfer some of his energy at this stage of pregnancy. We’d really be golden!
Tonight: a few pics from a weekend outing to the park. We’ve made it our mission to explore as many great parks as we can this summer. Henry determines their awesomeness (or lack thereof) based on a few criteria: bucket swings, slide variety, and playground equipment color. This particular park was green and sort of gold (win) and had awesome slides that were accessible to H’s little two year old muscle power (win), but lacked any bucket swings to speak of (major disappointment). He was very sad to have to sit on Daddy’s lap to swing, but the outdoor instruments, replete with bongo drums, a metal keyboard of sorts, and various other percussive equipment made for a good distraction. So did climbing the apparatus below with mommy and baby. We had a great time:
Even when 37 weeks pregnant, it’s good to do a little climbing. (Just not the kind of climbing we do at 39 weeks pregnant;) Remember those 200 some odd stairs that brought on a baby the last time? Needless to say, we’ll be going for a family hike in a few weeks if we don’t already have a new arrival in tow…
always up for a little shenanigans with my boy!
SO funny-I just told someone about those 200 stairs today. By the by, we have determined that (for my purposes), Baby Button should be born on 8/17 or 8/18. Also, spent a blissful hour with Carol Lee (and Terry) today. She looks like a million and it was a real joy to visit with her. She did mention that she follows your blog religiously and when you post “über-late”, especially if she has waited up and then it’s still not there in the morning-she gets very worried. And sad-needs her Molly-fix. I had to laugh because I know exACTly how that is! I have stayed up “just a but longer” many times in the hopes of hearing your heart before I retire for the night! She also said, and Terry confirmed, that she makes him listen as she reads them to him. Tee-hee! Love you! Mom
Whatever you do, do it for the glory of God!
All of this made my heart so happy! I’m so glad that you had a great visit, and I love hearing that we’re all staying connected somehow, even when we’re far away! And for what it’s worth, I’m putting my money on 8/18 😉