Tonight was as Pure Michigan as Michigan gets for me. My heart could not be happier. My dad is in town visiting for today and part of tomorrow, and it’s likely been the best Wonderful Wednesday we’ve had all summer (and we’ve had a lot of great ones!). The weather was perfect. We grabbed morning coffee downtown. Farmer’s Market. Visits with friends along the way. Peaches, watermelon, fresh bread, cherries, and a rainbow of peppers. Stops at TWO toy stores. A leisurely lunch at home. Naps for all. Dinner with three generations of my favorite boys (Papa, Daddy, and Henry:). Blueberry picking in the breeze. Sail boats and a sunset and sand on Lake Michigan. Ice cream. Baby tagging along in my belly the whole way.
Did I miss anything? Could I possibly have? Truly, this has been one of the most beautiful days I can remember in a long time. I am so full of gratitude.
I can’t do the memories justice, but pictures can. Here’s a tribute to the day (or at least our evening) in photographs. We’ll all sleep well tonight after this…
And this…
- so much goodness in one place!
Just a whole heaping lot of goodness in one place. My heart and spirit needed a day like today. The Lord is so gracious to me!
filled up to the very brim,
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