The start of this day feels like it was a week ago. Truly. I swear I was sitting with Henry in the waiting room of the doctor’s office, reading Thomas the Tank Engine, at least three or five or more days ago. How does one day stretch itself out so incredibly far as to fit in so much and to slow down so little?
Today had a lot of sweet moments in it. A great number of them, actually. I’m just sitting here trying to figure out how they all fit into one period of maybe 15 hours or so. The doctor’s office was uneventful and pleasant this morning, as usual. I’m still so thankful I changed doctor’s, I can’t express it enough! If you are ever in the same predicament I landed in a few months back…far into your pregnancy and really not feeling great about your practitioner, please get in touch with me. I will gladly share the journey I’ve been on, and how it’s making heaps of different in the last few weeks of carrying this baby. I mean, lightyears of difference. My spirit is so much more at rest!
Sidewalk sales are downtown this weekend, and in years past, a friend and I have always met up nice and early to shop the racks before the rest of town gets to them. Not so this year, as she’s toting a one month old and I’m nearing baby time, so it was particularly sweet to run into her and her fam with Henry this morning. The kids played together, we all grabbed coffee, we lamented the challenges of discipline and keeping our young families in check. This friend is just a bright light in my world, and it’s always good to spend time together, even if it’s brief and in the middle of downtown craziness.
In the exact right crazy moment, J’s mom called to see if we were downtown and wondered whether I would like any extra hands for Henry. Um, yes. In that very moment, absolutely. Please. How soon can you be here?? She happened to be about a minute away on foot, and joined us to help take over the two year old meltdown chaos I was half-managing. We wandered together for next while as I tried to check a few things off the list that I can usually find each year (shoes for H, dress shirts for J, etc.). My shopping luck has run out, it seems, but I did have a few lovely encounters and several awkward and uncomfortable ones regarding the belly. When you’re 38 weeks along, apparently your bump is fodder for everyone. Some people are so incredibly sweet about it, and others, as I’ve decided, are just downright nuts. You know I can get on a soap box about this one, so I won’t today. But seriously. The stories I can tell…
Found a side table for the living room to fill a new hole left by my whim to rearrange the living room yesterday. Win. One day later, and the space is full. I’m going full out “no nonsense” at this point in my pregnancy. The name of the game is decision making and getting things done and checking all of my little, manageable to dos off the list (with some enjoyment thrown in for good measure, naturally). With my get-it-done mentality driving the ship, I text J a picture of the table, got the thumbs up, and had it in the back of the car just a short bit later. A place to set eventual bottles and glasses of water and middle of the night snacks? Check.
Came home to meet a friend and her sweet, beautiful kiddos for a brief visit. It was a genuine joy as always (we just need more time 🙂 Henry loved playing with his friends and couldn’t be bothered about lunch. These girls (and their sweet little brother) are just the best! We eventually ate a late lunch over more Thomas stories, and Grammy came over to relieve me so I could sneak away for a bit. H napped, and I went to get my pre-labor pedicure. Hallelujah! It was so wonderful and relaxing! A precursor to having a baby, for sure.
Returned to the house to make dinner, in time to eat with the boys before our doula came over this evening. We had a great visit of prepping for baby’s arrival, talking through hopes, expectations, fears, joys, prep at home, relaxation, et al. There are still moving pieces around here, and we’re not quite close enough yet, but things are starting to feel like they’re falling into place for this little bambino’s arrival. Now if only I could get the diaper bag packed and things on the walls of the nursery…which will both likely happen before the weekend is out. We’re going to enter next week in a state of peace and calm. I’m feeling committed. 😉
Sooooo, now it’s super late and J is on a grocery run for me while I’m here typing away and starting to nod off. All of this activity, although wonderful, has tuckered me out completely. It’s been a full, full Friday. Tricky in some ways, beautiful in others. I’m feeling like we’re heading into a very promising weekend, hopefully smattered with family fun, an outing or two, some work at home, and rest for all.
looking forward to some more great three musketeers time in the next few days. love my boys, for sure! (and the button, of course, too!)
PS: Hands down highlight of my day was when I explained the Boppy pillow and its uses to Henry. We talked about how I used to use it for him when he was a baby, and how I would nurse and rock and sing to and read to and pray with him in the rocker every day. His response? “Thank you! Thank you for doing that for me, Mommy!” Melt. My. Heart. I would do it all over again for you in a heartbeat, little man! Oh, and the pedicure wasn’t half bad, either 😉
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