I’m going to keep tonight’s update short and sweet, because this morning’s wake up came much too soon after I went to bed last night, and today was a full, full day. We have all been doing the long blink since about 3:30p.
Our “let’s become minimalists” garage sale was a success! I’m looking around here now and feeling like we could have another one already, not just because there’s still plenty in the house we could live without, but because letting go of things provided a very lovely natural high today. It was so fun to see people buy things that they were excited about, and ones that they or someone else they loved could enjoy. My favorite encounters included a man who stopped right at the end of the sale because he saw a rug that “spoke to him,” and that he knew his wife would love. What a sweet guy! Then there was a delightful family who came to browse and ended up buying a few fun things to gift to their littlest, who turns one this coming weekend. And the gentleman who came and picked out some of our more vintage items–he was great to talk with and certainly had an eye for things with character and history. So nice!
There is something about someone else appreciating a thing that you’ve moved on from–it lends life to the object, and I think brings joy to the buyer and the seller alike. So much of what has been sitting dormant in our space is living elsewhere tonight, and finding better purpose and use. It’s a beautiful thing.
- everything must go!
- lawn decor.
Each time we have a garage sale, we meet more people from our neighborhood and make more lovely connections. I had a blast just chatting with people today, hearing their stories and learning more about what makes individuals tick. It was an unseasonably cool day here for July, and I think lots of folks were just out and about to enjoy the cool temps (and probably to find something to do when their beach day got bumped to tomorrow :/ ) Whatever the case, we live among amazing people in an amazing community. Days like today remind me so much about why I love it here.
The very best part of the whole day was watching the kids come out of their shells after a little while from behind their lemonade stand. Henry and Eloise both gained confidence as time went on, and Henry even tried to explain a little about Preemptive Love to strangers. Our duo poured lemonade and offered cookies, waiting patiently for new customers to engage. And people showed up and supported two of my very favorite little hearts in a big way. (Special thanks to the friends who stopped by just to support their cause!) By the time we closed up shop, our lemonade stand novices-turned-pros had raised $78.50 to send overseas. I am so proud of their enthusiasm and tenacity, and also that they learned throughout the day how to better connect with people and to think outside of our little corner of the world.
- working hard.
- lemonade for good. open for business!
When we wrapped up the sale, Jason took two car loads of leftover items down the street and we put away only a rubbermaid tub and a few more salable items in the garage to put on Craigslist this coming week. If there are takers, great, but if not, we’ll make one last trip over to the donation center and bid goodbye to the stuff that’s just stuff. It’s a good and freeing feeling to have moved on from it all, especially before baby gets really close. Now it feels like we can think about the next exciting step in baby-readying around here, whether we decide that’s painting a room, working on the nursery, or decluttering even a bit more.
After the driveway was back to its natural state (Thank you, Jason, stuff mover extraordinaire!), we got to celebrate one of our favorite little buddies on his third birthday. It was such a sweet thing to be pregnant at the same time as his mama three years ago, much like it is to be pregnant alongside my beautiful sister with our third babies now. Celebrating Max tonight was a good reminder of just how blessed we are to be so surrounded by friends and people we love, and also just how fleeting time can be and how much we should soak it all in while we can. Eloise will be three in just six short weeks, even though it was yesterday that we were taking bump pictures of our very pregnant bellies in the backyard. What a gift these kiddos are in our lives…

completely zoned and ready for bed, but she sure did love her face paint (and was determined to wear her “party dress” to celebrate, too.
I have mental space tonight that I didn’t have yesterday. I love it so much. And I’m tired and fairly uncomfortable, but in a rewarding way. These aches and pains are a sign of a productive day, which feels really, really good. No complaints here on that front as I fall into bed. The house is quiet as can be, and we’re all going to enjoy the rest that comes after a full and busy and life-giving day.
lighter and feeling content tonight. i’d do a little dance if it wouldn’t hurt
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