Look at these days go by, each one of them bringing something new to the mix every 24 hours! This has been the hardest countdown to date, but so worth it as I look back already and see how God is alive and moving at each twist and turn.
The past few days have been hard, but then today came, and with it, a fresh infusion of grace. Time in worship this morning was cleansing and healing, like a balm over the rough places and the painful places and the fearful ones, too.
I have to acknowledge that sometimes I forget to invite God into my mess, even though He is always ready and waiting to be there. More accurately, He is already there, but leaving me space and room to find Him. There’s even grace in this, because God’s help is never forced or contrived. I have to practice reaching out (or maybe caving in)…letting walls of control or pride or bitterness or just plain humanness fall away so that I can see clearly what is real and really true about who He is and who I am to Him.
I wanted to make sure that we could go apple picking as a family this fall before baby comes, so this afternoon, we headed out to the orchard after lunch. It was the most perfect weather day, and the time outside together–fulfilling fall tradition and just being us, was so good for my heart. We came home with plenty of apples (and apple cider, and a few *leftover* cider donuts), but better than that, we just let all else fall away for a while and enjoyed being four for a little bit longer. I needed that as much as anything this weekend.
- Handsome buddy.
- Love these two together.
- Have baby bump, will pick apples.
- Reach for the sky! Er, um…apple!
- The best.
Tonight, a sweet friend hosted a gathering of some of my favorite mamas to celebrate the baby bean over dinner and crafting and fellowship. Women who have poured into my life and into our family circled around the table together, and I felt beyond fortunate to be so surrounded by some of the beautiful relationships God has planted in my midst. I was reminded again just how faithful He has been to provide.
- A bunting for the bean 🙂
- Fourth trimester bunting…everyone painted a flag to add as a reminder to me in the early months with baby. Such a sweet and thoughtful gift!
It was more than humbling to be loved so well tonight, and it is just the very best thing to have people around us who I know will love this baby when he or she arrives, too. There’s no way we could raise our little ones without the support of amazing friends and fellow parents on this adventure, and having people in our lives who uplift us and celebrate joy with us is one of the most beautiful gifts to me.

I treasure these women!!
Surrounded is the exact right word for how I feel today: surrounded by God, by our family unit, by our amazing friends…and the timing couldn’t be better for any of that. Tomorrow begins a new week and another step closer to meeting our babe. I’m so thankful that I can be a part of the story that God is weaving for this new baby and his or her life. More thankful than I could ever really say.
I’ll sleep well tonight, I think, falling into bed with a sense of peace that didn’t seem quite as tangible before. This is the beauty and the result of generosity and kinship, truth and worship, intention and perfect timing. What incredibly gracious gifts!
may we all feel so surrounded, exactly when our hearts need it most,
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