I saw a friend at the coffee shop today, and she couldn’t remember whether we knew if baby was a boy or girl. When I told her we didn’t know, she replied, “I LOVE THAT! It’s such a great surprise. It’s better than Christmas!!” Her sentiment and encouragement were a straight shot to my heart today.
I couldn’t agree more: waiting for baby elicits the same feeling for me that I remember having as a little girl at Christmastime. There’s so much anticipation, and the countdown, and the wondering what gifts will be wrapped with our names on them under the tree. It’s so very good.
Admittedly, I’m like a kid at Christmas in other ways right now, too…I feel a bit antsy and jumpy, and I’m not on my best behavior. I’m distracted as all get out. I’m so thankful to have my mom in town this week–she is a willing buffer as I attempt to parent and tend to things around the house with only some success in these past few days. She has cooked and played with the kids and suggested naps and made space for me to write. We’d all be in rough shape if she weren’t here.
There’s just something so right about having your mama around when you’re focused on becoming a mama (again) yourself. I keep thinking about how much I would love to do the same if and when Eloise is expecting someday. Crazy to think about that now with our three year old, but I know I’ll blink and she’ll be all grown up. Plus, these mama hormones make me consider all of the sappy things lately, so I’m fairly sure it’s just part of the gig.
We continue to stay busy with the things I can think of that would be good to accomplish before baby comes, but without adding much of any kind of stress to our days. Henry got a haircut today and we walked for a bit downtown. The kiddos ran around for a little while to let off some energy. We sat at the coffee shop for a while. It’s lovely to go slowly, and I’m so grateful that we don’t have to move at a different pace. I don’t think I have a different speed to offer, anyway 😉
As our pre-baby days wind down, my heart longs for this better-than-Christmas surprise, but I keep trying to find ways to embrace time on this side of pregnancy, too. I do love carrying a baby inside, and the miracle and mystery of it all never ceases to amaze me. If ever I’ve unwrapped a favorite gift, it’s been these babies we’re so blessed to care for. I know that our little bean will be no different.
’tis the season!
My Grandson is getting so tall! Love it though.