Half way. Fifty days down and fifty to go in this countdown toward baby, and I kind of can’t believe we’re here. By the same token, so many signs point to baby getting close, and if we never arrived here, I’d be awfully hung up by now. Fifty days in feels just right.
The balloon artist downtown tonight asked me how much longer I had to go. He said he thought maybe I had stopped down to get a balloon on the way to the hospital. Thanks? This baby has grown for sure, but I do not yet look like Molly ready to give birth, I guarantee you. I’ll post a photo further into the countdown of what it looks like when I’m near ready to be in labor. No, I do not yet look like that.
I took the kids out this morning for bagels at our favorite joint. I say favorite because it’s history to us–the place we’ve been coming since long before Henry could walk himself over to his favorite chair and lounge there eating a bagel. The space has changed a lot, and it no longer feels like home to me. It will always be “home” in a nostalgic kind of way, but it’s only still our shop because it’s the place the kids beg to go for a treat when we have a day that’s wide open, and it’s the place where they’ve grown and changed and feel “in their own skin.” I love that about it, and I won’t be inclined to move on from it for some time, so long as it keeps feeling that way.
We ate bagels and Eloise had her favorite bar, and we said hello to all of the familiar faces and strolled out the door together smiling, as we do. Spending time there together just feels like us, so we keep going back.
When I just sit with our kiddos, enjoying them for who they are and what they bring to the table in the here and now, I am my best self as a mom.
I love to love our little ones well, and yet it is so easy to feel like I’m not doing that. The world makes it easy to feel inadequate, and as I’m learning afresh, so does pregnancy, and so do hormones, and so does the cranky edge that settles in around many of us when the summer heat is oppressive and we’re all coming up for air.
It has been especially difficult to feel like my best self as a mama in this season where all of the factors are playing in at once, so I am especially thankful for moments or days when I walk confidently in my motherhood and confidently in my deep, deep love for our babies. It’s always there, but I am better at showing it at certain times than in others, and I know the kids ride that roller coaster as I do. I wish they didn’t, but it’s part of doing life together, I think.
The kids are so sensitive to me and so aware of me, which is sometimes the very best thing as their mom. Other times, I feel like it means my emotions come at a cost to them, when their perception is so astute and I can’t just pretend all is well. Each addresses me in their own way when I am crumbling (which at 33 weeks along, I am wont to do much more often than usual). Eloise is a snuggler. She will drop whatever she’s doing to find me in my moment of duress and to get up close to comfort me in her cuddly way. Henry is a hugger and a crier, so as soon as my water works begin, his kick in, too. Both comfort in ways I’ve comforted them, and it’s beautiful that they care so much.
I trust that our time being intentional with one another contributes to this, and the rest I have to credit simply to God giving us all the very children He knows our hearts and our lives will need. I pray all of the time that I can be the mama who meets their hearts and needs most closely, too.

My heart in a photograph. God has lavished on us in ways I never imagined.
At this halfway point on this third 100 days journey, I am taking inventory of my own motherhood and how it has evolved and changed since the start. On a day when I could spend a good deal of time just plugging into our kiddos and enjoying them for who they are, I am a mix of profoundly grateful and heavy hearted. We have two resilient children who have patiently weathered this pregnancy with me, and by the same token, two babes who will never be the same for all of the times I’ve lacked energy, been short, answered harshly or not met them with the grace they so deserve as the loves of our lives.
I continue to be amazed at the gifts that God has given us in parenthood, and it’s hard to even fathom what adding another delightful life into the mix will mean for each of us in the time to come. The days are few between now and when we’ll discover who our newest babe will be, and I’m so glad that we know so little of who to expect will arrive in September. The anticipation is good for all of us, even as much as the wait is hard. I suspect that in fifty more days, give or take, we’ll be filled with joy all the more for “knowing” the unknown, and for reaping the beautiful reward of harder days and challenged hearts.
loving H and E and baby to be as much as ever, or as Henry would say, “a crazy ton!”