When I woke up this morning, something magical happened. My answer to one of pregnancy’s most frequently asked questions became, “Next month!”
Now that’s a good feeling.
Today was a full one. Camp for Henry in the morning, grocery shopping with my favorite girl, camp pickup, grocery unloading and putting away (hey, I’m counting that as a big deal when it’s over 80º and I’m this pregnant, ok? 🙂 ), lunch time, play time, vacuuming, nap time (during which not a single soul was napping), prep for tonight’s maternity pictures (eek!), refereeing (because, no napping), more prep, dinner prep, a bit more photo prep, family/maternity/headshot photos, kiddos still up an hour past bedtime, chillin’ like a villain on the couch at these keys and contemplating some DF ice cream to put a cap on it all. Because in all honesty, I do not think I’ve stopped perspiring since about 9am, and ice cream feels like the right choice right about now. (Might still have to sneak cereal and blueberries somewhere in there, too. That’s just how baby and I roll.)

“Mom, can we look at the flowers today? Can I have all of these at my birthday party?” She makes me stop and smell the flowers in a good way all of the time–even when grocery shopping.
It occurred to me last night that our little bean will likely be up every night at 11:30p.m.(ish), ready and waiting for a feeding to replace all of this late night cereal consumption. Am I programming our baby in a dangerous way here? I might be.
Just means I’ll have a little pal to hang out with in my night owl state for a while. I’m good with that.
Have I mentioned we’re getting a new couch before then?! I couldn’t be more excited about this fact. Our current couch is fine and all, but I cannot comfortably sit and nurse a baby at all hours on this lovely piece of furniture anymore. I don’t know if it’s me or the furniture, but a new spot to perch from was something I petitioned for a few months back when I started thinking toward the late night feedings in my future. We’re looking forward to a little change-up on the furniture front to coincide with our paint swapping in the living room. Can’t wait to see it all come together!
August and September are decidedly “pull it all together” months around here this year. I’m so happy to have arrived at their beginning. I am not a wish-summer-away kind of girl by any stretch, but it does feel good to be rounding the corner on some bigger things that have been a long time coming, like a new couch, let’s say. Or fresh paint. Or maybe a brand new human. There it is. That’s the big one. “Next month.”
Such a good thing.
I could squeal with delight at the thought of holding this fresh new babe in my arms. It’s getting close enough that I can feel it now. It’s no longer far from reach. Amazing.
Tonight during pictures, our littlest love was hopping around in my belly, as if he or she knew they were the star of the show. Beautiful. Nothing could make me happier than our four, marveling together at the thought of our newest family member growing healthy and strong. May it be so!
I’m still somehow full of energy tonight–a surge that surprised me today in a timely way. I hope I can coast on this kind of wave for a bit longer now. I could get so much done! If not, I’ll take what I can get as it comes. With each wake up, we’re one day closer. August is already here somehow, and September isn’t trailing far behind…
celebrating the little things with a full heart,