These days are just flying right by. There are many long hours, yes, but we’re about to turn the calendar page to July and I almost can’t believe it. Today was the kind of summer day I hope for–time out and about with the kiddos, a trip to the farmer’s market, soaking in sunshine with friends at the park. We had our fair share of hiccups, too, but those are going to come any day. Sun on my face and 76º cover a multitude of meltdowns 😉
- farmer’s market beauties.
- park playdate plums (and our little beauty:)
Last night I mentioned something to Jason in passing about 27 weeks pregnant being tiring. I walked out of the room and then caught myself in the mirror as I replayed my comment in my head. 27 weeks. 27 weeks! That’s third trimester territory! I had to take a moment to soak that in a bit. Tomorrow, I’ll be 27 weeks along, thus marking the end of my second trimester and crossing that threshold into the third.
Where oh where did the time go?!
I liked it when I had my math all wrong and my third trimester was a few weeks away–not because I don’t want to meet baby (you bet I do!), but because it’s so common to associate the second trimester with ease and energy, and the third with exhaustion, aches and pains. I’m not willing to succumb to the aches and pains portion of this journey, even though I do definitely feel a change in things physically over this past week.
I’ve decided I’ll stay in an elective state of second trimester bliss just as long as possible. This glass half full gig is better for everyone, for as long as I can cling to it. And truly, there’s not a bit about the getting to baby part that doesn’t feel celebratory to me (we’re welcoming new life!). But I’ll admit things sure do slow down as bending and reaching and any kind of exertion require more and more effort along the way.
I had a chat with Henry tonight about this season being a little hard. I know he’s feeling it. Mommy isn’t quite as spry or as enthusiastic about just getting in the game (or getting on the floor 😉 ) as I usually am. I know he doesn’t totally remember the days leading up to Eloise’s arrival, and at five years old, I understand that it’s hard to accept a different pace at home that feels like a drag.
We talked about how things will return to a new normal after baby is born, and how we all have to work together as a family to help this little one grow healthy and strong and enter the world. I told him I thought it was an ok trade off for a new baby to love, and a brother or sister to grow up with as another best friend. He smiled then, and I did, too. It’s hard to keep perspective at thirty four sometimes, so I give him a ton of credit for tracking with me at five. I so love that we can offer a sweet sibling out of the deal, and really, it only seems fair. Kids are resilient, but they sure do navigate new waters each time a baby is added to the family!
I’m feeling all of today’s contents (both life-giving and draining) adding up as the clock nears 10pm, and as I close the door on trimester #2, so I think I’ll call it for tonight to get a head start on a new day tomorrow. I’m so thankful for the elements of today that felt full of life and summer joy, and grateful to serve a Creator who sees the hard moments, too.
rainbows and unicorns and second trimesters forever 😉