I didn’t plan much for this week for obvious reasons. We’ve got our usual commitments, but I’ve not been beholden to much else, and I’m so glad for that. I’m good for one relatively short outing each day, and it’s been fun just to decide on something enjoyable each morning. Monday offered space for time downtown. Yesterday we went to the library. Today we brought home a bounty from the farmer’s market, in between summer’s last rain storm hurrahs. I love a big summer storm, and I love the market. There’s so much good in the ordinary.

37 books out of the library yesterday, and the receipt still doesn’t quite make it around this belly. Should’ve made it 40+. 😉
Spending time at home right now is a blessing–these quieter mornings leave little pressure on anyone, and if extra chores or to dos get done in the midst of our slower pace, they’re just a lovely bonus. I’ve stopped feeling the need to get more done (hallelujah!). Now, I’m just minding my body’s cues and soaking up as much kiddo snuggle time as I can.
The decision to homeschool Henry this fall has been one of the greatest blessings in the mix of so much change in our lives. I feel peaceful about it, and affirmed in a new ways each day. I never imagined having such confidence in the decision, but it has been balm to my mama’s heart to have Henry with us and to watch as he and Eloise continue to embrace their sibling hood as they do. Henry is flourishing in areas I’d not be able to witness if he were in the classroom five days a week. Such simple joy!
Today marks the end of summer, and tomorrow, the start of fall. If baby holds tight just another handful of hours (as I suspect he or she will), we’ll have a spring baby, a summer baby, and an autumn baby in our midst very soon. Wandering the farmer’s market today in the cooler breeze pushed me right over the edge into fall mode, which I’ll admit feels exactly right and so timely.
- Rainbow girl on a rainy day at the market.
- “Mama? Can we take one togedda?”
- Talking to dad on the phone like a boss. “Wite now, punkins. Wittow ones. And peppas, and matoes…at da mahket.”
Together we’ll tuck in a little more in the days to come. We’ll swaddle in blankets and snuggle in cardigans with tea and good books and a sleepy newborn. We’ll wander through the neighborhood, crunching leaves under our feet as we walk baby in the stroller, and we’ll decorate pumpkins and drink cider and stir hot soup or chili on the stove. For a summer girl, these ideas are usually a little off-putting at first glance. I always hate to see summer go. But this year? I am so ready to embrace autumn. It’s a beautiful time of year, and it feels like leaning into it is the very best thing we could do.
- Nature’s bounty…trails of summer coloring up the market in dahlia form.
- Embracing autumn on the heels of a full and beautiful summer season. Rose hips and Vibernum Blue Muffin blueberries making friends with sweet little white pumpkins.
These days of ordinary are each like carefully wrapped gifts–time I might otherwise take for granted that, in light of waiting for baby, feel like extras I didn’t want to count on but am happy to hold with care. The number of times Henry or Eloise has snuggled me tighter this past week are too numerous to count. It seems we can all sense the joy that is about to come, but with hearts soaking up the good that has been here all along.
so very full in every way,