Six and one half–the approximate number of weeks left before we meet the Button. Maybe. In the wee hours of the morning this morning, I was blessed to work with another couple and to witness another beautiful birth. They never get old or boring–each one different and breathtaking as moms and dads work together to bring their babies into the world. The fact that I get to play a part in such an intimate and once-in-a-lifetime moment gets me every single time. It’s like walking on sacred ground. Perhaps as God ushers new life into the world, it is.
And I can’t help but think, so fresh from the hospital and another birth experience–on the same day that one of my closest friends has delivered her sweet new baby boy, too, that it’s only a matter of weeks for me. Just weeks for this little one I’ve been trying to get to know as I carry him or her around in every moment. The joy of our time when Henry was first born feels new again–my heart is more and more ready for those nights on the couch, those snuggly days, the haze of life with a newborn as we all settle in.
I’m thankful that God orchestrates this work such that we’re ready when the time comes. Ready to welcome our babies, and ready to close the door on another season of growing a tiny human (who feels just huge at this end of pregnancy stage:). It’s amazing how, when we see them in real life, everything is once again miniature and put into perspective…in the same way that when they’re growing inside of us, each baby feels larger than life.
I doubt I’ll know all of these kicks and prods and rolls and jabs so personally ever again–not with this baby, anyway. After this carrying season, everything will feel delicate and fragile, unlike the little ball of energy and movement I’m toting now. I do share on occasion when things are painful or physically more difficult, but really, I’m embracing so much of what is happening. No doubt I flashed forward to my (our) own impending sacred moment as I watched this mom and dad embrace their sweet baby today. It was a welcome reminder.
What a crazy, blessed gift we have in mothering. The process is challenging, sure, but the outcome far outweighs anything that 40 weeks could offer.
getting there. sure and steady. and finding a renewed sense of excitement and joy tonight,