When used in the right context, “swell” is a great word, isn’t it? It’s truly something to swell with joy or pride or anticipation, and it’s desirable to be able to report that you’re “swell!” on most occasions. It’s a little bit vintage, a little bit of a throw back…and a little bit different when you tack “-ing” to its end. For nearly all of this pregnancy, I’d say things have been going just swell. I’ve been blessed and lucky to be textbook in a lot of ways, without any major complications or concerns. I’ve been healthy, energetic and enthusiastic (even morning sickness, although present, was bearable)Β about 90% of the time–and that’s not a bad percentage, right?
But today, I have to change the adjective to a gerund, and I’m a bit bummed about it. No longer quite swell, I’m now swelling. And I never imagined exactly how it would feel to have my ankles and feet blend together, hardly bendable in any direction. It’s attractive, let me tell you.
It started yesterday afternoon, and when I came home from work and had the chance to look down, I could hardly believe my eyes. My lower limbs were barely recognizable as my own–no shoe option in my closet would suffice. I can promise I’ll be living in flip flops until this baby finally gets here, and when it does, I’ll probably still have flip flop indentations on both feet. Oh. My. Goodness. So I went to bed last night thinking, “They’ll be normal by morning, no problem,” and I fell asleep hopeful and relieved. When I woke up today, you can imagine my disappointment at the lack of change. Thinking I could overcome it, I took my morning a little easier than usual, then got ready and went about my day. I lasted at work for two hours.
Next up? Elevation. Which I tried for three hours straight when I got home. And maybe my toes were a little more recognizable as themselves by late afternoon, but they’re certainly not the same. I’m drinking lots of water, eating protein, resting as best as possible…and I’m thinking to myself that baby should consider meeting us before April 30th or just chilling out a tiny bit so that I’m not making the couch my best friend for the next few weeks.
All of this totally comes with the territory, and I’m doing my best not to whine or complain at all about something that’s naturally a part of a beautiful process. For now, I’ll just think happy thoughts about the days ahead when I can throw on a pair of gym shoes and head out for a run in the warm weather, my body weighing something more close to normal and my feet and ankles working the way I’m so accustomed. Digging my toes into the sand sounds good, too, and in the meantime, I might investigate a foot soak or the prospect of living barefoot for the next little while. That would make me barefoot and pregnant, after all, and that would be, well, Β just…swell. π
brimming with baby,