I think I’m on a home improvement roller coaster. Prior to three years ago, I pretty much loathed the idea of walking around a big box home improvement store. I didn’t understand them, and I had no desire to. I couldn’t equate Menard’s or Lowe’s with a glorious place like Target, despite the similarities in variety and magnitude. And then, we bought a house.
Wake. Up. Call. For the first time in my life, Menard’s suddenly became a destination. Jason and I spent weekend upon weekend running back and forth from our new address to the mecca of home improvement stores, and every time, we were suddenly able to solve problems–big and little, all around the house. Come Spring, we made trips for dirt (weird, because the house came with dirt…and grass…), and we bought flowers and plants and more grass. And we made home feel like home, one car load after another, and have been doing so ever since. I’ve really grown to appreciate the phenomenon.
So this weekend, we made our way to Lowe’s for a few items to finish off the nursery, and I was looking forward to the trip. That is, until we got there. Nothing else in the world will make a home improvement store more harrowing than being 36 weeks pregnant. Unless of course you’re more pregnant than that. Do you know how BIG that store is? Or how hard it is to memorize which aisles contain electrical, or organizational or lighting-type items? Every row is like running a mini-marathon, and then, you have to go back (because you’ve forgotten something, of course) and do it all over again. Inevitably, time stands still when you’re in a place like Lowe’s or Menards. And when you exit the double doors and enter the real world again, hours have passed by like minutes, and you’ve quite possibly whittled away your life savings on a collection of switch plate covers, random hardware and duct tape.
When you’re 36 weeks pregnant, the icing on the cake is that you’ve developed a waddle and need to lower yourself into the car to go home.
So I’m back on the roller coaster again. I can’t honestly say that I don’t appreciate the one destination where you can pick up any and every item you’d need for your home, but I came within inches of employing one of those buzzy little carts with the basket and awkward handles this weekend–and that’s just a bit too close for comfort. I’m pregnant. I’d like not to consider it a condition…Alright, maybe. Just this once, I’ll make an exception. But only once. After all, anyone who gains more than a quarter of their bodyweight in less than nine months is entitled to a little break, right? Good grief. I guess we’ll see how I feel about it all once our weekend shopping trips involve a newborn. My love/hate relationship here might not come to a halt for a few more months. Or years.
In summary, if there is one, I’m thankful (on most days) for home improvement stores. Still, I’m far more thankful for what happens at home after the decisions and purchases and workouts are all complete.
implementing our latest procurements tonight…