…doula! It’s official. We’ve hired a doula to help us welcome Baby K into the world, and I’m thrilled about it! Having been through doula training and several births as a doula this past year myself, I have come to place a high value on the significance of labor support for both the birth mother and her partner. I absolutely believe that a doula or midwife can enhance a family’s birth experience in a number of ways, and I’d recommend it to almost anyone. That said, when we found out we were pregnant, and as the weeks went by, the topic of having a doula didn’t really surface for a while.
Jason and I have both envisioned the birth of our first child as a bonding experience for the two of us. We agreed a long time ago that we would reserve our time in labor and delivery for our little family–J, baby and me. But when I met our (now) doula a few months back, our interaction was so positive (and I was so uplifted!) that I came home raving about this stranger who understood and validated me in me thoughts on birth. I felt supported by her the instant I met her, and Jason got to hear ALL about it. At that point, had been mildly discouraged by our medical experiences thus far, and the idea of additional support seemed like it was worth the conversation.
The short version from there to here is that we realized it had always been worth the conversation. I’m actually grateful that we were uneasy for a season about other aspects of our care, because it opened the door and made room for us to entertain other possibilities. With Jason’s encouragement and support, I met with our prospective doula over coffee–and again, she made me feel at ease and understood. Then the three of us got together to talk about options, and J and I both left with even more peace about the idea. We tabled the conversation for a while to let it simmer, and today, we had one final chat about our personal thoughts to determine where we’d finally land–and a doula it is!
What I so appreciate about this process is that Jason has opened up to new ideas as we’ve both recognized our desire to have the most natural, enjoyable, supported birth that we can. It’s important to each of us that the other has a great experience, and while we know meeting our baby for the first time will be amazing, we also place a high value on the journey to getting there. We’re making choices to invest time to be prepared together, and our decisions have already proven to be a catalyst for unity and comfort and support. I am so grateful for the ways that pregnancy has drawn us more to one another. And I’m grateful that my confidence continues to grow where our readiness and preparation for an incredible birth are concerned. We also no longer have the same reservations we once had about our medical care, and instead feel affirmed and encouraged all around. We’re really blessed to have arrived here with plenty of time left to go!
So, we’re having a doula. And no, we still don’t know what we’re “having.” 🙂 7 more weeks or so, and the surprise will be here!
all in “due” time,