I’ve had a hard time slowing down these past few weeks, but at the same time, I know I need to be reducing speed in the days ahead. Every weekend, I’ve run myself into the ground with to do lists and tasks and errands to run. It’s been difficult not to pack my schedule full of commitments, trying to get in as many visits and meetings as I can before I’m out of commission for a while.
Last night, at our final birthing class, our instructor/doula talked to the group about making sure to leave room for nesting and resting before our babies come. Plenty of people could tell me that I shouldn’t take on so much in this last leg of my pregnancy, but for some reason, Karlye’s advice made an immediate impression. Not only does she know a whole heaping lot about pregnancy and birth, but her reasoning made so much sense. Labor takes a great deal of effort and energy. In order for it to go well, our tanks need to be as full as possible before it begins. No running ourselves into the ground to get everything finished will be worth it when we’re struggling to find stores of energy for delivery time.
It’s so important to me that I’m as prepared as I can be to have this baby. If I didn’t feel this way, we wouldn’t have spent the past five Thursday nights in birthing class, we wouldn’t read books or practice relaxation exercises, and we wouldn’t be working so hard to cultivate a calm, peaceful environment for when labor begins. I feel like I’m training for another race, and I’d never try to just get out on the course and put down 13.1 miles without conditioning and preparation–either mentally or physically. So why would I treat this any differently?
Before last night, I had my entire Friday booked up with lists and commitments all over town. Then Jason and I talked about it, and I rearranged my day to make sure that I wasn’t overly busy or on my feet for too long. And guess what? Like magic, I’m feeling a measurable amount better tonight. I’m tired, but I feel rested at the same time. I don’t ache like normal; I’m completely relaxed. And I’m energized as we enter the weekend. I feel as good as I’ve felt in weeks.
There’s a trade off for everything, but nothing has been more valuable to me today than gaining some sense of self and feeling healthy. Baby is moving around beautifully as always, and I’m more and more excited with every turn.
I love being pregnant. It’s been a long nine-ish months, but I’ll sure miss this babe in my belly when I’m no longer full of child.