A few more photos to accompany my last post. Shots from Estes Park and Bridget’s bachelorette party:
how’s that for 7,000 words? 🙂
by mollymadonna
by mollymadonna
More on Colorado: After arriving in the mile high city on Sunday, J, Henry and I took Tuesday as a family day and ventured up through the mountains to Estes Park. I’ve wanted to travel there ever since my sister first talked about her own visit a few years back. We weren’t totally sure about Henry and more altitude changes, but we figured it was worth a shot. Bridget had suggested a route through Allenspark for great views of the mountains and a picturesque little church called the Chapel on the Rock at Camp Saint Malo. My goodness, what a treat! Apparently this little spot (with Mt. Meeker in the background) is one of the most photographed locales in all of Colorado–and it’s no wonder:
Once through Allenspark, Estes Park wasn’t more than a half hour further down the winding road. We drove into the valley past beautiful houses on plots of land we only dream about, parked the car, then set out on Main Street for an afternoon lunch and a little sightseeing.We dined on the third story rooftop of a quirky building, enjoying Mexican fare amidst unparalleled views and good bit of sunshine. Henry slept as we strolled, and we capped off the day with an iced mocha (for Jason) and an iced latte (for me!) before driving back through the mountains to have dinner with Bridget and mom (who arrived Tuesday afternoon). Later that night, we jumped back into tasks like program hole-punching and collage organizing at Bridget’s before turning in…a perfect segue into the rest of the week’s wedding-filled activities.
On Wednesday and Thursday, more and more family arrived in Denver and we checked more off the list for wedding prep. We collected Dad and my step-sister Cassidy from the airport. Bridget made a lovely dinner for Teddy’s immediate family and ours at her place Wednesday night. We ran errands, folded programs, rocked the baby, stayed up late. Jason and his entourage made the rounds to Target, Hobby Lobby, Costco. He picked up Bridget’s wedding dress, delivered things (and people) all over town and earned a few bonus points and a gold star for being such a trooper. I fed Henry. A lot. And when Thursday night arrived, it was finally time to begin celebrating. The guys headed up to Lyons for Teddy’s bachelor party at Oskar Blues while we (Bridget, her bridesmaids, our moms and the little man) all met in Boulder at The Med for tapas. Afterward, we paid a visit to Ben and Jerry’s for ice cream, then wandered Pearl Street and enjoyed the cultural variety one might expect to find there on any given weeknight. We retired to our new home away from home, the Courtyard Marriott near Boulder, and tucked in to rest up for the busy weekend ahead. Side note: I’m considering taking Henry out on the town a little more often–he slept like a champion that night!
Friday morning we were up in time to drive to Bridget and Teddy’s for a 10am Mass and blessing of their new home. From there, we traveled back to Boulder where the wedding party had nail appointments through the afternoon. It was so lovely to have time with Bridget, side by side, as we got pedicures and talked about her marrying Teddy the very next day! Once appropriately polished 🙂 , we were off to the hotel, then the church for the rehearsal. I enjoyed having more time to get to know Bridget’s other bridesmaids a bit better–they’re all so wonderful, and such great friends to her! Teddy’s parents hosted a delicious rehearsal dinner at the Courtyard, complete with a Spanish menu and all kinds of celebrating. Bridget and Teddy were as thoughtful as always as they acknowledged many of the people who would join them in their ceremony the next day. In true sister/bridesmaid fashion, a few of us stayed up late with Bridget, talking, praying and getting a few last details out of the way before bed. To have shared this time together for my wedding a few years ago meant a great deal to me, and to do so with Bridget on the eve of her wedding day was just as special. I am so blessed to have a best friend in my sister!
The wedding day most certainly warrants a post (and photos!) of its own, so I’ll be adding a third installment to the CO report in the next day or two. It was a full week, but a memorable one, and now my dear sister is married and off having the time of her life with the love of her life. What a beautiful thing!!
thinking about the mountains,
by mollymadonna
On Father’s Day morning, Jason, Henry and I packed up a substantial amount of luggage and boarded Henry’s first ever jet plane to Colorado for my sister’s wedding week. We arrived in Denver around 11am, picked up our ridiculously large rental Expedition (it’s a long story), and headed out to our hotel in Westminster, a nearby suburb. We were fortunate to have booked a great deal on Priceline for a room at the Residence Inn, which afforded us quite a bit more space than a standard hotel room. As small as he is, Henry certainly requires a lot more square footage than Jason or I ever needed on our own. We unpacked ourselves into our home away from home, took a short nap and made our way to my soon-to-be brother-in-law’s parents’ for dinner.
After a brief introduction to his parents and younger sister back in October, it was lovely to meet the rest of Teddy’s family Sunday night. His sister Libby, along with her husband Matt and their four adorable little girls, were delightful and made us feel right at home. Teddy’s brother, Anthony, was engaging and welcoming as we all sat down to dinner together. The evening went on in a very relaxing and familial sort of way; it was of course wonderful to see my sister and to share in her joy as she prepared herself to become a part of Teddy’s family. She is so welcome among them already, and I know that her role in their lives will only deepen and grow as Teddy’s wife. Jason, Henry and I made our way around 9:30pm, stopping at Target for some necessary items (read diapers and wipes for the kiddo) before we settled in for the night back in Westminster.
On Monday, Jason helped Teddy move bedroom furniture from Bridget’s apartment to their new place about 45 minutes away. We all enjoyed a little Chick-fil-A, then worked on unpacking books and hanging curtains to make the space feel a bit more like home. Back at Bridget’s place later that evening, we ate dinner together and started in on program and place card production for the wedding. We capped off the night with a visit to Little Man Ice Cream, where we treated ourselves to a few different flavors for sampling before Henry very adamantly declared he’d had enough activity for the day. It’s really too bad we didn’t sneak in a photo of Henry with the two story high milk can that Little Man Ice Cream is known for…they named the place in his honor after all!
Henry had no trouble sleeping in his new environment–so long as we left him asleep in his car seat or brought him to bed with us if he was awake. He wanted nothing to do with the Pack ‘n Play thankyouverymuch, so we slept like statues in our King-sized bed each night to make sure Henry had enough breathing room. Inevitably, I’d wake up each morning with the little guy curled up right close beside me. It was cozy, sure, but a little stressful as well. Henry seemed un-phased and happy to be with his momma, and since it was the only way to get any sleep ourselves, we caved for the occasion. Side Note: over the course of the week, Henry’s stretches at night grew longer and longer until Saturday night, when he topped off at 7.5 hours straight–the longest he’s ever slept. We’re not sure if it was the altitude, the bed or another factor, but guess who’s back to 3 hour stretches now that we’re home? (It was glorious while it lasted, and it gave me hope!)
On Tuesday, J, Henry and I took a family day trip up into the mountains…more on that tomorrow:) For now, I’m sleepy, and trying to follow the “sleep when the baby sleeps” rule of thumb a bit more closely.
henry is finally out, and so…here i go,
by mollymadonna
So…I fully expected to blog this past week as we traveled to Colorado, which is why there was never a little disclaimer or “Be back soon!” kind of message before I disappeared into the mountains. Although it’s always nice to break away from routine and enjoy a different backdrop for a while, I missed the outlet and the opportunity to share life in this regular way with all of you.
My sister’s wedding was wonderful, and there’s lots to catch up on from the week and the days leading up to Saturday. I’ll be doing that here this week as things normalize again. For today though, I’m just popping on to say that I’m still around and anxious to get back to daily life here and at home. I’m taking a mental health day and trying hard to convince our little peanut (who turned two months old this weekend!) that all is well as we come down off of a very full trip. Henry and I have discovered that we can’t stand being apart, so we’re curling up together all day today and ignoring the laundry, vacuuming, corresponding and errands that can all wait until tomorrow.
looking forward to engaging again shortly, but for now…a nap,
by mollymadonna
I had a moment tonight, after Henry had been awake for nearly five hours straight and I stood rocking him back and forth in the nursery in the dark, where I found myself thinking, “I just can’t keep doing this. How can I possibly keep doing this?” And as though God sat waiting for me to arrive at that very thought, the little voice in my head reminded me of this, “There is a tremendous supply of strength to draw on from the Lord.”
Oh how I’ve called on God in these past seven weeks as a new mom! Sometimes it’s all I can do to say, “God, I really need you right now,” often without knowing entirely what I’m asking for or how I’m going to get through the next minute or hour if He doesn’t come through. But here I sit. Another day under my belt with a newborn and I’m not a total wreck–at least in the sense that I’m still surviving the hardest parts and figuring things out day by day. Inside though, I’m as broken as ever; I’ve not done anything more trying…then been fulfilled by that very thing at the same time. I’ve never been more tired, more frustrated, or more stretched in my whole life. And I’ve never been more attentive, more loving towards, or more sold out for anything before, either. The peaks and valleys of new-motherhood have permeated every fiber of who I am.
To say that my life is currently defined by this new role as “mommy” is certainly true. But it’s important to note that it’s being refined by it as well. Only in moments when we’re broken do we realize just how much we need God. And it isn’t that we shouldn’t recognize this in the same way regardless of life’s circumstances, but our thirst for God’s presence and our desire to meet Him is certainly heightened when life turns up the heat. Quite positively, God is ready and waiting for us in these moments, too. I’m sure of this tonight as I begged for help just an hour or so ago…my mind has been filled with encouraging Scripture ever since. How important it is then, not only that we call on God, but that we allow His Word to saturate our souls in such a way that we are able to call upon His promises at any turn. The more I prioritize God in my life, the more I am readily able to reach out in confidence that I will hear His voice when I ask for help.
Tonight I am drawing on God’s strength and not my own. Mine is tucked away somewhere…perhaps back a few days or weeks when sleep was more abundant and I couldn’t quite yet see the days ahead. As I fall asleep tonight, I’m going to rest in the promises given to me this evening:
-The Lord is the everlasting God. The Creator of Heaven and Earth. He never grows weak or weary. No one can measure the depths of His understanding…Those who trust in the Lord will find new strength. They will soar high on wings like eagles, the will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not faint. Isaiah 40.28 & 31
-I lift my eyes up to the hills. Where does my help come from? My help comes from the Lord, the maker of Heaven and Earth. Psalm 121.1 & 2
-The Lord will fight for you. You need only to be still. Exodus 14.14
indeed. i’m so thankful that God is forever looking after my heart,
(and on the subject of hearts, this little guy continues to grasp tightly to mine…)