Gosh, I love him! (And believe it or not, he absolutely loved the pickle:)
don’t know where he gets it from…the face or the love of pickles
by mollymadonna
by mollymadonna
Very ready for a less than stressful weekend, we’re admiring outlandishly expensive kitchens and bathrooms from all over the world on HGTV. Nothing like transporting yourself to someone else’s over the top home halfway around the globe. These spaces are amazing! And ridiculous! I’d be lying if I didn’t say it all causes the wanderlust in me to get a little itchy. I don’t need a fancy kitchen, but I’d love to visit some of the locales where they exist. Vacation, anyone?
Jason just hand delivered dessert to the living room and I’m in full blown relaxation mode. Feels so good to just settle in…sleeping baby, sleeping dog, clean house, weekend awaiting. I am one thankful girl.
As a side note, HGTV makes up for the lack of good options on television–at any hour of the day. We don’t watch t.v. much at all anymore, but when we do, we can always count on a good episode of House Hunters, Million Dollar Rooms, and the like to entertain.
admiring a property in positano, italy, and dreaming,
by mollymadonna
The kiddo was in rare form tonight, staying up two hours past his bedtime with no sign of wearing out until half an hour ago. When I finally lay him back down in his crib, he screamed his head off for about a minute and a half, then fell promptly asleep. Whew! As such, it’s been a different kind of evening here in the little blue house, and this mama is ready for bed. So as not to leave you without at least a little something for the day, I give you: Henry and his Dino hangin’ out in the nursery. The iPhone camera version. I hope you don’t mind!
gotta love the kid. i just can’t help it.
by mollymadonna
Just felt like I needed a little blast from the past after watching HD move all over the place tonight. He is getting so big, and his personality is growing right along with the rest of him! I remember these days, but not as well as I’d like to…he was still so scrunchy and sleepy and petite. Warms my mommy heart.
Such a peaceful little bug at ten days old. And peaceful, still.
oh, henry. you sure are something else. (in a good way:),
by mollymadonna
Technically, they might not be the most amazing photos ever, but I do love grabbing pictures of the bug on my phone these days. It’s just so stinkin’ convenient…and he’s just so stinkin’ lovable. (I say this after a relatively rough afternoon/evening with the little man who, to my chagrin, is avoiding sleep (naps!) at all costs lately.) These snapshots remind me why it’s so important to roll with the punches of parenting, to walk away for a few minutes when I need a deep breath, and to step right back into loving this incredible little person the way he deserves. At almost-nine months old, I know he doesn’t really do things to spite me. He’s just gaining a little more independence and testing the waters (and ripping the bumpers off his crib while he should be sleeping, and…). You know, the stuff that makes you want to tear your hair out a little. But just a little.
So, no more bumpers for the kiddo after today, and unfortunately, a few more bumps on the head in exchange. I don’t think it will take long for him to realize that the bars can hurt a little, and it’s better than the alternative of ribbons ripped off the crib and in his hands while he’s alone. Cheeky little monkey, this one. The ribbons were tied on the outsides, and he still got ’em off. Ah, well. I’ve ever so quietly removed my mama cap for the evening and am heading to bed to start fresh in the morning. In the meantime, the munchkin. Playin’ and drumin’ and being “SO big!” (with one arm, of course. Two would be asking a lot:)
sleep, here i come!