Sometimes on this countdown, I think it’d just be fun to have a random reminder of the events of the day. Nothing that sticks out more than the ordinary, but still, exactly where I was and what what happening when I was X number of days pregnant. Since I’m a bit tired and running out of steam tonight, this feels like the perfect day to record all of the run of the mill “stuff” that doesn’t quite add up to an entire blog post on its own:
-Today was a long one, and I am definitely feeling as pregnant as I look (which, based on the comments of total strangers this week, is VERY pregnant). Don’t worry, man I’ve never met. I’m not going to go into labor right here at work in the middle of the floor four weeks before my due date. At least I’m not planning to. But it sure would make for a good story, right? And let’s be honest. It’s all about the story. Emergency medical personnel unnecessary. Even if my water did break in the middle of work, I’d hope to get home in time to deliver in a slightly more plausible environment. ๐
-The gender of this babe (as you already well know) is a surprise. For all of us. But I still got to share in the joy of the guessing game today with at least two men I’d never previously seen. One said boy, hands down. The other said girl, without a doubt. Good news fellas! One of you is right!
-Henry did an admirable job of rolling with the punches today as plans changed, and as I needed his help in hurrying to get to things on time. As promised, when he came home with a great report from the friend who watched him, there was a Matchbox vehicle waiting for him. J had picked up a very cool airplane from the store yesterday, and when he gave it to H, Henry actually declined it because it wasn’t a car! We figure it’s only a few weeks until the movie “Planes” comes out…perhaps H’s first movie in the theaters is in order…
-Tonight we only had to walk 1.5 blocks to find all of the action in town. H counted four fire trucks and two ambulances, followed by two cement mixers and a host of other construction vehicles. All of this after two police cars! We have to have struck some kind of vehicle jackpot or something. The kid was in his glory, checking everything out with his dad. I, on the other hand, enjoyed a lovely bench seat in the breeze and shade, while the blue sky floated overhead and the beach grass danced right in front of me. I can’t remember such a perfect weather day over the past few weeks. It was quiet and contemplative and glorious, despite the braxton hicks contractions that came and went until we got home. Getting ready for baby! Who can complain?
-We went downtown as a family for $2 hamburgers and house cut fries for dinner, then wandered the local baby/kids boutique for a bit to check out the latest additions to the store. I’d be lying to say I wasn’t itching to buy item after item. I’m so ready to have things prepped and ready to go for baby. I just can’t help it! At the end of it all, I only spent $6.35, and it was on a little game for Henry. He’ll get to enjoy it once baby arrives, as it’ll make its way into his “Big Brother Activity Bag.” More on this in a later post, perhaps.
-The boys made their way out to the beach afterwards to watch the waves, and I met up with a dear friend over dessert and tea. The three hours we spent catching up were lovely, but not enough after a five month hiatus from more frequent visits. Life just keeps getting busier! Thank goodness for the blessed times we do find to share in fellowship and motherhood–and all that goes with it!
-I am one sleepy mama, looking forward to my pillow and the promising contents of the day tomorrow. It might have been a long one, but today had a lot of good in it, and I’m so thankful for moments of laughter and relief…and for God putting such beautiful people in my life!
cheers to day 32 (or 68, or something). here’s to counting!