Well, little one, 88 days to go and, if my mama instinct proves faithful, actually a bit less than that. I’m speaking it into our lives that you’ll be here pre-August 25…and based on your brother’s history, I think it’s a fair hunch. That, and since we’re talking the end of August here and the heat of Summer, I’m also just giving us both pep talks as encouragement. You can come anytime after August 12th, ok? I’m throwing that date out there simply because being too early would prove complicated for you, and no mama wants to watch her little one struggle in any way. Bake until your done, sweet Button. I promise I’m ok with it.
Since we’re having a little chat though, and because you’re taking up residence with me for the next few months, I’d love to suggest a few items of note that might make your stay (ok, my experience with your stay) a bit more pleasant. Before I begin, let me just say you’re doing a great job growing. 😉 And grow you must, little babe. At somewhere around 2 lbs. and 14ish inches long, give or take, you have a little ways to go before you’d be ready to face the world with your own devices. I do think we should arrange a meeting, though–you, me, and the belly, just to agree upon the pace with which we’re all stretching out. It seems that you and my stomach disagree a bit on this issue…that and my rib cage and abdominal wall and mid-back. Somehow, this temporary vessel did not get the memo; I feel like I’m about to burst! I know this isn’t the case, as I remember your brother’s tenancy well and have seen the pictures. But, still. A little give and take would go a long way on either end. Change at the same speed would be incredible. I can hardly eat a meal without regret this week.
No hard feelings though, tiny person. I totally understand that life is preparing me now for what we’ll share together come late Summer…shorter nights with wake-ups interspersed, lots of shuffling and juggling and adjusting until we’re all somewhat comfortable, only to have something change. Our evenings together now are certainly a good way to practice patience and slow breathing and dying to self, so thank you for exercising those spiritual and mental muscles in advance. 🙂
I love you like crazy already, and none of this maddening dance we’ll do for the next 12 weeks could change that. It’s a mixed blessing, you know. Your movement, while highly challenging at times, is–more often than not, amazingly affirming. Your growing strength and determination remind me of another small person I love with all of my heart, and that part feels simply perfect to me.
like brother like sibling. like mama like baby. determined, resilient, often stubborn, and humbly trying to find your way in the world. nothing wrong with that, my dear. nothing at all.
full up and making room for more 😉
your mama