So I’ve been thinking a lot about this whole “craving order” sentiment and all that goes with it, and the longer I plot out how I’d like things to take shape, the more I recognize discipline as a main ingredient. It isn’t that I’m not disciplined in a number of ways, but that I’d like to be more disciplined in every aspect of life. Example? I’d like to find a way to fit blogging–and/or writing in general, into daylight hours. The only way to make this happen is to be rigid about other parts of the day and to be disciplined about how I spend time when I have it. Same goes for being in the Word every day, finding time to go for a run, finishing things like thank you notes and laundry, and other such priorities in my daily life.
After a day when Henry has taken two good naps and I’ve accomplished more than I’m able to on his regular, micro-napping schedule, I’m feeling optimistic about integrating (or re-integrating) more discipline into my routine. I’ll consider it a mental/emotional/physical/spiritual overhaul of sorts, recognizing that I have to be patient in my attempt while I blend my idealistic plans with life as the mom of a peanut. (My first discipline my be to pray daily for enough hours of nap time to really get other items on track;) High on the list of essentials will be: earlier bedtimes for yours truly, getting ready for the day before J leaves the house for work in the morning and having a list of priorities and to-dos at the start of each day/week for checking off as I get things done (this always feels SO good!). When my mind has been focused on feeding and napping schedules, washing cloth diapers ohsofrequently and interactive playtime with a three month old, it’s a little harder make the grand to shift to things like dinner menus, bills, work items, cleaning schedules and, sadly, putting pen to paper (or fingers to keyboard). Still, they’re all a priority, no matter how much of a backseat they’ve often taken over the past few months–and I’m ready to reach new levels of order by tackling each one with a renewed gusto and sense of purpose. All I have to do is read Proverbs 31 on a daily basis for motivation (and look…time in the Word every day can happen just like that!).
I know I’m not far from progress, and the idea of change makes me happy in an inspired kind of way. I love dreaming about the possibilities that might crop up if I have enough discipline to seek them!
another day awaits, and my new bedtime is, well…we’ll get there. slow and steady, right?