I’m so grateful for so much lately, and today was filled with even more to be thankful for. Ten things that I’ll go to bed grateful for tonight:
-4.5 consecutive hours of sleep before morning came
-Visits from two good friends, great conversation and watching them enjoy Henry as we spent time together
-A bagel with vegetable cream cheese and a decaf coffee from Panera…delivered to my doorstep!
-Spring rain and the way everything keeps greening up outside the window
-Two short but lovely naps
-Time to pick things up around the house and organize a few piles of mail that have been driving me crazy
-Getting out of the house tonight to run a few errands, pick up fresh fruits and veggies from the grocery store and have dinner with J (while Henry slept in his car seat…almost the whole time)
-Good feedings, longer naps and fun awake/play time with Henry
-A regular (not speedy) shower, time to dry my hair and a sleeping baby in the process
And last, but certainly not least…
-I got into my regular old jeans today!! I never thought my hips would go back to normal size again when I first tried to squeeze into a pair a few weeks ago, but today was a different story, and I’m SO excited. I don’t know what I was thinking trying them on so soon in the first place. After today though, I’m thinking I can start to pack away maternity jeans–and that’s a bit thrilling for this new momma.
Today was really, in so many ways, refreshing. When the little one falls asleep peacefully tonight, I most definitely will, too 🙂
delighted by the little things,
oh, and this…because it totally made my night last night. A sneak peek at a few photos H and I had taken last week. Sheer joy!