I’ve never been good/at haikus my husband said/you write them instead.
We’re forty five days into this one hundred day “blogging for baby” extravaganza, and honestly, there are nights when a topic is hard to come by. Jason challenged me to mix it up a bit and to craft a handful of pregnancy haikus, so here goes:
Regarding the bump: “You’re how far along?”/Awkward sizing up moment/”Bet you’re having twins.”
Regarding food: Two bites and I’m full/but twenty minutes later/I’m famished again
Regarding age: Thirty four years young/Two babes at home and growing/third one on the way
Regarding sleep: Insomnia reigns/Belly owns the sprinkler move/Left side for the win
Regarding baby prep: Babies don’t need much/but Pinterest tells us they do/instead, feed, hold, love
Regarding birth: There’s no “right” way/every birth is different/do what works for you
Regarding postpartum: Rest is at a low/mama needs to eat and nurse/baby snuggles close
Ok, maybe not my best go, but I’m committed, at least 😉 Haven’t broken out a haiku since college (I don’t think). Thanks, hubs.
waxing poetic with a side of sleepy,

32 week bump!